SoD Tbc - my thoughrs

Just for beeps and giggles. My take!

Player level stays capped at 60.
No flying
Completing main quest line In each zone in outland awards +1 talent point.

Release 2 raids per phase. Each with heat level style difficulties.

Adapt Jewel crafting profession, to have meta slots, to accommodate 2pc, 4pc 6pc tier sets like the current shoulder enchant

So we can acquire new gear to use with slightly better than normal classic gear and keep the build bonuses from past tier sets.

Add in heroic dungeons.

Add in a currency earned form tbc dungeons. That can be used to buy resistance to apply to your gear.

Add strong resistance requirements to new raids.

So instead of crafting/buying odd pieces of gear with high resistances, you farm dungeons to buy stackable consumables enchants for resistances.

Can only have 1 resistance per piece of gear.

Just don’t do TBC sod


No TBC. Instead of it they should stay on current map and open up what is there alredy.


completely agree just don’t imo it’s even worse than wod, was my 1st xpac but i have 0 nostalgia for it.

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While i agree, that would be cool. I think it would probably take more resources than they have to completely make new zones full of content. Unless you are happy with a new phase basically just consisting of , 1 new raid, odd dungeon thrown in here and there.

but Cannibalising TBC, at least all quests/dungeons/raids/zones are pre-built.

just needs scaling/tweeking to SoD stat levels.

I enjoy the style of Classic Engine with Retail ish Spells etc, I just dont want it to dry out like the seasonal server its meant to be! … this is the most fun version of wow for me

Tbc SOD sounds like a terrible idea.
Just don’t.

When i comes to the bar for new content, it would be awesome if the playerbase could stop incentivizing setting it as low as humanly possible in the hopes that they are thrown some crumbs and ask for a bit more than “a dungeon and a raid”…

We are paying customers and nerds in their basements have proven thay making fresh content that is brand new is very possible.

So please stop making it sound like the devs have to climb a mountain to make it happen



its perspective right?

SoD sounded terrible to the classic players, all we heard for weeks at the start was “This isnt classic blah blah” they didnt wana give anything a chance.

SoD sounds like a bad idea to the people who want to be stuck in that land for the next 30 years after already being there for 20.

Some of the player base, have no issue with progressing and seeing more content. If it comes to a choice between SoD running its course and ending, or us going to SoD TBC, i choose TBC any day of the week.

except for the fact that the players at large have asked for classic+ for a long time.
dunno what rock you’ve been sleeping under, because what you just said is just flat out wrong.

the few people that went into SOD expecting vanilla with some “quality of life changes” frankly, are just smoking something that’s bad for their brain activity, because that is mega naive.

SOD is essentially just a big beta test for the real classic+ that blizzard would say follows after SOD has come to an end.
we are far from even talks of SOD-tbc or anything alike, so put that thought to rest or you’ll just end up being disappointed.

anything tbc-related is years down the line, except for anniversary TBC which is just going to be the old version of TBC with few, if any, changes to how the game works.
like you might get instant mail, but anything groundbreaking such as brand new class abilities and “runes”, new raids/dungeons etc. is not going to happen in anniversary-tbc.

blizzard would be foolish to make TBC “sod” rather than work on an actual version of classic+ because literally nobody has ever asked for it, whereas people have been asking for classic+ for years and years.

SOD was a good take on the idea, but they made some enormous blunders that cost them nearly the entire playerbase… incursions, for example, along with the phase 3 content drought caused nearly everyone to flat out unsubscribe and quit, whereas phase 1 and 2 were extremely popular.

they never recovered those numbers and were forced to merge all the servers as a result.
they only have themselves to blame for that mess.
all i know is that the suits probably weren’t happy with it.

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I didnt say Classic players havent been asking for a Classic+ , im sure it will come one day, as the classic scene is fairly large.

but SoD is not Classic by a long shot at this point, it runs on the engine maybe and shares the same zones and level cap for the time being, but its a long way away from being Classic now.

You can call it the beta test if you like, but to be honest i think it moved away from that a while ago, its more just a hybrid version of Classic/retail now.

faster pace, while keeping the emphasis on epic gear drops that feel insanely rewarding compared to the standardised Retail drops.

I think if SoD didnt have those blunders it would be booming, look at the numbers for last weeks raiding on Ironforge.

Anniversary 85k
Sod 77k

give that SoD has been going for 15 Months now vs Anniversary being fresh in terms of raiding. I think SoD has enough popularity to stand on its own legs.

While there are a lot of people probably on SoD, that are waiting for Classic+, in the same discussion there are people like me, who are playing SoD because it leans more towards the retail gameplay and would not play a Classic+ if its anything like classic.

I dont see how these people can find it fun, to sit there spamming Frost bolt, Frost bolt, Frost bolt, Frost bolt.

i doubt that they would do a full 180 and have people spam frost bolt in a potential classic+ version of the game.

it will likely include plenty of abilities from SOD and incorporate some of the ideas while fine-tuning the stuff that is absurdly OP or outright remove it.
i.e shamans and paladins will be far less oppressive in the next classic+ version of the game, while maintaining the ability to function as tanks and do proper dps when specced to do so.

SOD is far too easy for real gamers to give two f’s, that is why people are flocking to anniversary and hardcore.
in order for a game to be entertaining it has to fill certain criteria, and one of those criteria is posing a challenge for the player to beat… the devs decision to tune the game for casual andy dad gamers has had some interesting results to say the least.

plenty people, such as myself, would prefer the game to be harder, and if there was a choice between current SOD and a “harder” version, people like myself would go for the harder version… alas, this version of the game is the only version of a “classic+” available, so we’ll just have to deal with it and roll our eyes when things get too easy (and watch as our fellow gamers somehow still manage to fail even the simplest mechanics such as “get on the spore”).

2-3 weeks from now even casual andy will be doing hardmode4 nax without breaking a sweat due to the insane bonuses they get by simply wearing 8/8 sanctified along with the giga upgraded seal bonuses.

2-3 weeks ago the idea of doing hardmode 3-4 was unheard of and only the most sweaty players with perfect comps would even have a chance (and they still failed because of the wack tuning of nax hm vs. seal level) but as time goes by, the “hard” modes are becoming extremely accessible even to the worst of players, which effectively removes any sense of reward for doing it early and beating the challenge while it was actually hard.

the same was the case for AQ25 prior to its “balancing” hotfix after the first week.
on my server, a total of 2-3 guilds beat C’thun pre-nerf, and then the second it was “tuned” everyone and their mom was thrashing C’thun because it became like 30x easier.

what do the players that beat C’thun pre-nerf have to show for their acconplishment?
f all, that’s what.
it doesn’t matter… they got to enjoy ‘that one item’ for a mere week before everyone else was able to access it… that’s a lot of sweat for basically no reward.

Please keep Azeroth as the main player. Don’t add anything else.
Blizzard has tons a raids and content in Azeroth they can add from future expansions .

I have a better idea, just let SoD toons migrate to TBC anniversary

in what world is that a “better idea”
tbc is lvl 70, our characters are lvl 60… i can’t fathom what you were thinking with this horrible suggestion.

you know what an objectively good idea for you would be?
playing TBC and stop trying to turn SOD into TBC.

Very funny. Knowing you, just in case you are not trolling and just clueless: all characters start TBC at level 60 or lower

ok, so?
what a non-argument.
you’re obviously not going to stay at lvl 60 for long when you can reach lvl 70.
this is insanely illogical and doesn’t make any sense…

i mean ok, you start classic at lvl 1, so it doesn’t matter if you can get to lvl 60 because everyone starts at lvl 1… this is essentially what you are saying… how is this an argument?.. it doesn’t even make any sense.

do you find it difficult to control your oral fluids irl bro?

You are not supposed to stay lvl 60 in TBC. Why would you think you are supposed to stay 60 in TBC lol, you level to 70

i didn’t say you were supposed to stay at lvl 60 in tbc… that’s pretty much the opposite of what i said…

our classes are lvl 60.
our gear is balanced around lvl 60.
in what world is it even remotely a good idea to take characters to lvl 70 and thus invalidate all of our character’s progress?

you don’t need to stamp on 10 more levels “just because”.

okay so answer me this: why do you want lvl 70?

do you realize you’re invalidating the entire game outside of outland by doing this?..
all the lvl 60 content is irrelevant at that point, the world is smaller and more cramped (because everyone is in outland, and only outland) and about 70%+ of the items in the game are likewise irrelevant because all that matters is gear for lvl 70.

and that’s only the beginning of the issues… what about talent trees?
are shamans supposed to run around with 2 versions of shamanistic rage?
what about their dual wield talent? that would be useless.

so please clarify how this is a “better idea”.
i really want to see a proper explanation for your reasoning.

It goes without saying that all SoD - unique gear should go away and SoD items should be converted to their regular variants

Because I want to play TBC? On a character that I developed, without having to go through yet another flavor of vanilla for the 5th time in a row

that’s selfish.

you want to convert the game to TBC “sod” at the expense of everyone else (who might be perfectly happy to play vanilla (lvl 60) sod) just so you can get what you want?

bro get outta here. :wave:

You should have read more carefully. What I said is that I want to be given an opportunity to transfer to TBC anniversary