SOD whishlist

Feel free to suggest improvements, heres my list :

Reputation are account wide
Possible to buy summon to inkeepers ( 2 for each char on top of hearthstone to stop gold summon warlocks)
Worldbuffs now purchasable with coins (once you have achieved thoses levels with your 1st char)
No more ranks per week in PVP but a fixed honor amount
Tokens to be instant lvl 29/39/49/59 with gold (once you have achieved thoses levels with your 1st char)
World pvp gives coins of Stranglethorn
2v2/3v3 arenas with coins for reward and gear system
Class balance
Economy revamp (bots, summons, ingame gold mechanics)
Quality of life addons integrated into the game (curseforge)
Max lvl profession items purchasable with pvp and pve coins


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Remove cap on 1 boss per day for Dungeon Currency
add Hard mode dungeons for everything lv50+ that give extra currency.

Add previous phase raid gear to vendor for high amount of currency.

Make Dungeons great again for players wanting to catch up.


thanks for contributing =) i love sod so far

Then people will find 1 dungeon that’s most effective and stop doing any others. That’s not good if you need any item from “non-meta” dungeon you won’t be able to find a group. It will be the same as wild offerning farm in p3.


ok so put in the logic that for the boss to be looted for a coin the 2nd time, the end boss of the dungeon needs to be killed? so only completing the full dungeon, unlocks the coins to be gathered a 2nd time from that dungeon?

i didnt say that it’s about skip runs, i said that it’s about 1 dungeon that will be the most effective then others, ppl will just do that dungeon (with last boss kill) and do it again, not doing other dungeons.


Wouldnt it be better if people could farm the dungeons they require to actually get the loot they want etc?

rather than be forced to do world tours through dungeons that offer no loot.

i mean people who are BiS etc, probably just do the raids more than Dungeon world tours anyways so i dont see the issue.

id rather see HC efforts and MC gear put into dungeons tbh. bit like the whole wotlk alpha beta gamma etc.

few things id like to see for QoL improvements. flight paths are BoA. got them on one char just have it for all. so much easier to travel around. half the issue for people levelling from what i can see and people wanting to do dungeons is the pure lack of people but also the time it takes to get their.

Even better. if people Queue via the Looking For Group tool in game they are automatically teleported to the instance stone and " 5 in group".

HC version of all dungeons should just be a thing. i mean jesus just give all mobs and bosses a 100% increase in health pool if need be. dump for MC gear onto them. catch up gear anyone…

while the buff for questing via XP is nice. simply put. hardly anyone does dungeons. having to rely on 60’s to boost you through which completelty defeats the very object. why they have given tanks and healer increased loot or currency of some kind is beyond me


Yea, so i played SoD on launch and loved it.

The phased content was really cool, dungeon farming etc for your Bis in that phase before raids etc.

I quit when the guild fell apart in MC phase, i came back now to try a new alt and get prepped to try out Naxx, and at first i was blown away by the number of people in the starting area on lv1s getting all their runes.

but this is simply not reflected on the LFG bulletin board, I barely see ANY groups at all, its just all boost advertisements.

My lock is lv55 now and ive solo leveled most apart from some SM boosts in the mid 30s range, to get me to lv40 for incursions/mount

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this, the runes thing was great addition, but as you say it simply isnt reflected in the LFG. like ive said if they introduce a auto port to dungeon as they did in wotlk this would literally fix this issue.

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a Hard version of dungeons would go a long way in SoD.

As mentioned above, just add a modifier to HP and Damage output on the mobs. Would allow people to push harder content with their raid gear.

Id even do it for more reals. could have it timed like in say strat. a time event. get bonus reals/ undermine crates. random loot. at least make it somewhat viable

I doubt anything of this will happen. Im not sure they have time for it.
Right now we waiting for last phase and all content might be not be finished for that.
After last phase it will probably sray like that then they just keep a permanent server.
Id say some suggestion are great but “little to late” alot of stuff should been out in phase 4-5.

yea to me, even though i had a lot of fun in the lower phases, I actually think as an overall, they missed a lot of cool opportunities if they had actually pre-done the work before releasing it with just 2-3 runes on launch and trying to add stuff as they went.

but i guess as they said, SoD was a test run of stuff, probably for some form of hybrid Classic + server down the line

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barbershop and shaman to wrong faction!!

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  • Heroic/mythic dungeons, is greatest idea I miss it so much. with new mechanics and boss difficulty. With a new useful revards. With new affixes etc.
  • Change of unused runes for each class to something new. We still wants to discover.
  • Heat 4 for MC and BWL (new difficulity with some new rewards) in Phase 7 to keep these raids alive
  • Also Hardmode for world Bosses and Onyxia (ofc. with new current rewards) in phase 7, so that people keep going and it doesn’t die

Just let us who wana playe a smite priest be a part of the game to.
what we need to be in par whit the rest is some kind of critt multiplayer, some lower mana cost on serten spells, own set bonuses or just ad it to healer gear or ad it to the shadow gear.

The synergi between pala and smite priests would be nice if we could expand. Now holy damage is increased if a paladin has sanctety aura or if he use seal of the crusader on the target. To give back it would be nice if the healing from holy nove would increase if its done inside a consecration from a paladin.

I wanna be a melee priest

Working summon stone at dungeons