Wednesday: lower tier raids
Saturday: 10m raids
Sunday: highest tier raid
Always at 20:00 server time
MC H2 cleared, H3 9/11
BWL 3 affixes cleared
ZG & AQ20 cleared
AQ40 3/8
Recruitment goals:
While we don’t limit any class or spec we’re mostly looking for
MT that is able to RL
Holy paladin
Dedicated resto Druid
Warlock(s), either DPS or tank
1 feral
in game: Fengel/Aethalinas, Galanthia/Belissa, Splinger/Sweeto, Títania, Anagh
About us:
Originally formed on Neck’Rosh, HC server, SoD since day 1. We’re a perfect guild for people that don’t take themselves seriously, we don’t care about parses or that you’re playing in a meme spec. We’re all about being able to have fun and laugh while raiding. For lower tier raids we use the 2SR (sometimes 3SR) MS/OS +1 system, highest tier raid is loot council’ed with attendance points to reward players that join more raids.