[SOD][A][EU][Living Flame] <TFS> Recruitment / Merge

Looking for Merge / Absorb / Recruitment

  • TFS (The Fellowship) -

Active Since P1 on Lone Wolf and Living Flame.

Recruitment has been hard and we have lost people due to boredom from SOD or Fresh servers and we do not want to have to pug every week anymore, stability is nice.

We have a core group of around 13 people - most of them are pumpers

We currently have:

2 Tanks (warrior + Rogue)
4 healers(1 pala 2 priests 1 mage)

2 warlocks
2 Feral druids
1 Ret paladin
1 Hunter
1 rogue

We raid on Wednesday at 19:30 server time

Our loot system has been a mixture of SR and Loot council on the big items

We have had a specific mentality towards raiding were we dont want to be casual but we also dont want to be super hardcore, we like to parse and we like to have a good time.

Looking for like minded people to play the game with and keep the SOD adventure alive
We like being social and active in and out of raids

Please feel free to DM me for more info on Discord: orooba