
How’s everyone been doing with Balance/Resto druids so far?

I would like to share that I levelved as Balance and it was pretty ok with the new runes but I wanted to actively play as Healer. From what I’ve seen so far by running dungeons and even runing BFD twice…druids by far are the least wanted healer.

The mana costs of spells is astronomical at this level and as much as I like lifebloom and even with 2k mana bar its just impossible on the longer boss fights. They need to add some sort of mana reduction or mana regeneration or whatever. Even with the 50% mana restore from Lifebloom, the amount of healing done is still very mid in comparison to Priests or Paladins.

If the point was to make all specs viable for their roles then in this case Druid is probably the weakest healer and this just makes me sad. No mater if you get more mana at higher levels the spells will get more mana cost as well which means even at lvl 40 bracket it will still be the same.

The healing runes require further review and rebalancing.

Regarding the Balance druid - I think there is no room for comparison between a Balance druid and a warlock or mage or even ele shaman. Still the weakest. I understand that the druid is jack of all trades but if the spec is entirelly weak we still come to the conclusion that druid will only be used as a healer and nothing more.


Yeah ok, so now feral is stronger than rogue, making rogue the handicapped little brother of druid, not the other way around as it should be, they can even heal and have cheetah form too, but now you want to be better than mages and warlocks in spellcasting too. Wow, you people are something.

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He wants his spec to be fun and good, which is the whole point of SoD.

How can you disagree that buffing classes isn’t the whole point? sheesh


I mean, he rolled a lock to be special and unique with his demon form and then he realized that everyone will soon have it so no more special for him. What do you expect him? to want others to have fun?


resto druid with wild growth is sick, but our lifebloom is bugged and doesn’t scale with healing power once apllying the 2nd and 3rd stack which is kind of sad. (esp in pvp)


In my head, my ideal Feral would be one that does less damage than the Rogue but brings powerful melee group buffs. E.g. Savage Roar could also increase physical damage for the entire group by 10%, Mangle could also increase poison or nature damage, Wild Strikes of course, stuff like that. No balance involved in my thought of course, just what I may find fun in theory :stuck_out_tongue:


What I have heard Rogue is the 2nd highest dps class :thinking:


dont worry, you have put more thought into this than the Blizzard “team” so far

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I didn’t mean the class to be equal in power. What I meant for it to simply be just as viable as the others (talking about resto specifically). Priests and Paladins are able to hold the raid for longer time without any issues while the druid simply cannot perform this amount of heal before gooing oom.

And yes Lifebloom mostly needs some sort of rebalancing either in terms of mana cost or the amount of healing it does because it is simply not worth using it. Again you are only remaining with casting Healing Touch and even downrank while the rest of the healing spells are just not good at all.

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Rogues are missing their best dps tool. DW crusader and Co. Same as warriors.

Until that happens feral should compete. Eventually by then the only reason you will bring a feral will be for primal strike thingy to boost melee dpsers and then it will probably be as offtank and not pure kitty.

The fact feral don’t get weapon procs hurts quite a bit.

I’m like lvl 15 ATM and waiting for cat form to go feral.

Been mainly lvling as a balance/resto atm as you have more spells but it still kinda boring as my rotation is just moonfire, sunfire, wrath spam with the occasional heal.

I hope by 25 you get more spells to use it looks like feral gets a fair few some I’m looking forward to playing it

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I play resto druid and its fine. I have cleared 7/7 BFD with no problem.
Do not use Lifebloom in PvE. It is not mana efficient. Use only healing touch and Wild Growth.
When running 5 man dungeons. I can go through the entire dungeon without drinking on a druid.


I love the idea! That way we would bring strong party-wide utility and medium-strength raid-wide utility.


Problem is, that Living Seed and Lifebloom are absolutely useless = 2 of 3 healer runes are crap, which is wrong for sure. Fix LS so it procs from Rejuvenation and fix LB so it costs like 10 mana and we are fine.

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I honestly dont know much about druids, since i dont play One. The One thing i know is that for a peaceful BFD run druid heals are absolutly amazing. I would never go without One. Rdruid/priest absolut best combo since they can decurse (?) i think, Kelris debuff. Since they and Mages are the only One that can (i think), and Mages suck majorly there, yep for me at least One is mandatory.

Aside from class Balance people should be more upset they created a Boss that invalidates basically all casters.

We had a feral/rouge/2 hunters in grp Yesterday and killed him first try after i wiped for like 2 Hours last id because we had a Balance druid, wl mage DPS and mage healer. This is unfair! Though i guess our Single warlock we brought so we didnt have to vendor cloth Drops was really happy xD

Tldr druids are fine and feral RDruids are insane in this Phases raid.

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I’ve played Balance Druid in the new raid BFD, it’s useless, no matter how good items I get or how good I follow the rotation, I’m always the worst DPS …

Feral druids does more range spell damage than a mage, HOW is this not fixed, blows my mind

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And bears can’t take mobs because they have no rage for it.

Balance druids needs adjustment: Starsurge is super undertuned, it’s basically an instant wrath. Currently it hits for less damage than my wrath and wrath casttime is almost down to GCD, so it doesn’t matter much. Starfire cast time is too long compared to damage, as it doesn’t do AOE damage in Classic. My suggestion implement a way to make Starsurge more interesting than just a button to press every 10 seconds, make it trigger on crits or something, since Boomkin already has a lot of +crit focus in their talents. Furtherrmore, next rune should be boomkins most iconic spell: Starfall.

Resto druids have gotten some fun abilities, unfortunately you cannot use them due to mana inefficiency. I have played Resto druid on retail since WOTLK and love rolling hots. So I was ecstatic when Rdruids got Lifebloom + Wild Growth in SoD. Unfortunately, you cannot use Lifebloom, Regrowth, Rejuvenation as they are too mana intensive. In reality, you only cast Healing Touch.

Feral druids are Extremely good right now and the only class that offers wind fury.

Feral Bears are good, but constantly rage starved.

Well, it is just level 25 right now and we’re the only class that has option to tank, heal and do both melee and ranged dps.
Next phase things may be the other way around. I wouldnt be too worried until we’re at 60 and things have been properly tested and compared.