Part of the Golemagg-EU guild , Raid Team Bravo is an aspiring group of people sharing one vision, not a collection of individuals with different personal goals. An upgrade for one member is an upgrade for the team. We support each other, we back each other, we help each other.
Raid Times:
Wednesday (20:30-00:30)
Thursday (20:30-00:30)
Sunday (Optional for Ony/Raids and pre-agreed) (20.30-00.30)
Raids are always at Golemagg server time, invites begin 15 minutes before raid time.
Loot System:
We operate a 6-man Loot Council system for loot allocation, with gear being rewarded based on effort / performance / attendance. Raiders must have downloaded the ‘RC Loot Council Classic’ addon to receive loot. We like to be fully transparent and are happy to explain all decisions we make.
What we are looking for:
Active players who enjoy playing the game! We like to have fun while playing, so it is important that you do too!
People that will get along with other guildies, toxicity won’t be allowed.
Performance outweighs current gear, we will gladly welcome new players without full pre-bis as long as you are keen to learn.
Basic raid knowledge and skill - please have an understanding of raid encounters and don’t blow us up with bombs!
- 2x Resto Shaman
- 1x Warlock
Get in touch now with Zephox#8420 or Snowyni#7322 on Discord!