Solo Battleground (Rated Battleground Blitz) - No progress to Vicious Dreamtalon

Dear Support,

As per prior Blizzard Post ( “Players can still queue for rated PvP modes for Honor, Conquest, and progress toward the faction-themed Vicious Dreamtalon mount”

I’m over 1k rating in Rated Solo Battleground, still not getting credit for the mount.

Please help whether it’s intended or a bug which will be fixed later.

Thanks in advance!


same for me no % at all after 10 wins >1500 rating

Same here… had 2 wins above 1000 rating and zero progress.

It’s works in other brackets (2v2 for example, but thats too slow - 1% / 3-4 wins - and i hate arena)

Same here, it feels annoying that this is not working, that also you cant get pvp items for your vault anymore and that you can’t transfer honor to alts anymore.

This problem is still relevant.

Wonder if we will see a fix tomorrow …

No fix, no information. Dont think they will change anything before next expansion.

fellas. pvp season ended on 22nd of july, so i’d hazard a guess that this is not a bug

definitely a bug! the bar fills up for all other activities except the one mentioned above.

but it seems to me that if this is fixed, it will be in 11.0.2


Since Veteran of the Alliance achievements are account-wide, i just got mine few days ago. It suppose to reward Epic warhorse or saddle, but i got neither of those.

Opened a ticket etc. then leads me here.

Meanwhile i decided to check my RBG wins. Even my character with VotA I achiv got less than 75 wins. Seems like RBG win numbers also shrink.

Can you please check ?