Solo Blitz MMR bugged?

I have been playing in 2100 MMR this week. Today, I won a match in the same MMR lobby, and in the second queue, I got placed in the 1800 MMR lobby. Did we get any confirmation from Blizzard? Is the Solo Blitz MMR bugged?

MMR can shift occasionally, this is due to the overall matchmaking of the entire team, not necessarily yours alone. MMR have several factors that can cause these re-adjustments, just keep winning the game, and maintain your win-rate high as possible, ideal 55% or higher, and overtime your rating gain will soar and skyrocket once again.
This ‘thing’ happened to me too, as I said, keep winning and your MMR will soar.

i see what u did there ^^

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This is exactly my problem right now, I’m above 2k but suddenly I started getting matched at 1.6k and 1.7k rating, so far I haven’t lost a match so no -mmr but I can’t keep playing with the risk being massive mmr loss on lose and literally nothing on win as it gives no saddle % and no mmr gain as I’m 400-500 higher rating than the matched mmr as well as most of the players.

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