So I decided to return after burn out to finish completing my transmog farming as of now which classes are best for farming robes,leather,mail and plate armor sets?
for plate im undecided between warrior and paladin its warrior ability to use almost any weapon except glaives and paladin self heals and doing good damage.
For robes I think mage?
Leather winner seems to be Druid or demon hunter
and for mail hunter
Are there any recommendations?
Whatever you like, they lifted most of the transmog restrictions a while ago.
Meaning looting plate as a monk will still make it available for your plate characters (the only limitations are tier set by token, and I think most of them are warbound now so you can transfer them to your other characters).
If I had to give 1 class advice, I would say Monk → good mobility, heal and dps so not blocked on specific fights and you have mortal touch to kill bosses faster.