Lol there is still no penalty for leaving and ppl leaving all the time. But blizzard said they added fix.

Where did they say that? I checked wowhead for the blue post a few days ago, but none of the hotfix/tuning notes mentioned anything about changing the punishment for abandoning.

Literally in the pinned post of the arena section.

^ You mean this pinned post, that hasn’t changed since it was posted?

Yes it has. Read further down. Specifically post 29.

6 days ago

Yeah, the “jump to next Blizzard post” wasn’t jumping to it for me, for some reason. Not gonna manually scroll through all that, and the jump backwards to previous Blizzard post just went to the OP in the thread for some reason.
Anyway, a person provided the link in another thread a few minutes before you anyway, but ty for yet another link.

You’re getting slow and old Beware! Tut tut!

U have the option to, on one click, jump to next blizzard response on the same post

^ I know. It wasn’t doing that when I tried it.

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