If you don´t care about rating and if you lose or win, or if you play with good or bad people I take a bet I can get a partner in LFG within 1-2 minutes by just looking for a low CR player that wants to get pushed or is just starting.
oh, so you don´t want to play with low gear people below your CR? damn, sucks. solo que will exactly have this. that you match up with people you don´t want to play with.
solo que is just a dream construct in reality it can not work.
If you don´t care about rating and if you lose or win, or if you play with good or bad people I take a bet I can get a partner in LFG within 1-2 minutes by just looking for a low CR player that wants to get pushed or is just starting.
oh, so you don´t want to play with low gear people below your CR? damn, sucks. solo que will exactly have this. that you match up with people you don´t want to play with.
solo que is just a dream construct in reality it can not work.
Have you heard of the law of large number? That’s the argument why solo queue works actually.
In a nutshell, soloque gives you the opportunity to play loads of games, so after some time, you will converge to you true rating.
Also, the thing with solo queue is if you rating increases, you will get matched with people of higher rating as well, so less and less “noobs”. In LFG, for almost each session, you need to look for partner that will match your new rating (hopefully higher than the one you had last session). Redoing this job for each sesion is a fu**ing pain in the **s: Im spending 95% of my gametime in LFG and 5% of games. To such an extend that I started giving up with my rating and just queued with some skilled friends whenever they ask so that I play. Sadly, as the rating is low, games are not interesting at all: were just nuking them and its not fun.