For the love of god, put this things into you mind if you are against soloq:
NO ONE CARES IF I FACE A TOP TIER COMP WITH A SUBPAR - this is the same for everyone, everyone will have the chance to have a good/bad comp. Tell me the difference between this, and playing like jungle and facing doubleheavy melee or lock/boomie/elementa/pala holy comps. In the ladder there are already classes that are forced to play a subpar comp.
And If meta is full of warrior/fmage, then since there is no class stacking in soloq, warrior/fmage will have 3h queue times.
I DON’T CARE IF I LOSE: I will not lose rating, my gearing plan will not got to hell, I will not lose anything important.
BETTER TO QUE THEN STAYING AFK IN ORIBOS: it is ten times better to queue soloq then staying 30-40 min in LFG to find a guy that will leave the team after 5 games. I’m almost 30 and I don’t have time to do this sh*t every single day.
I JUST WANT TO LOG AND QUE: self explenatory. Moreover, it will be a good way to practice my new class/alt
MORE VARIETY: It has the chance to let you find new team/meta/partners to play, it will bring a breath of fresh air. E.I. : I’m a hunter, and no one on the ladder will play with me except a feral or ret, but I would like to try to play at 2k cr comps with sp/destro/moonkin/elemental/war but no one would ever try something like that, because no one want to lose his rating to play for fun. While if there was soloq, i would be able to have fun and try different comps, and maybe grouping a guy and playing rated with a non meta comp.
FINALLY AND AGAIN, I DON’T CARE IF IS NOT BALANCED: i just want to play the game I’m paying for with the class I want to play, and not the one I’m forced to play. If you don’t want to play SOLOQ is not my problem, you are not forced to play it. Do not impose me what you don’t want/like, but please let me have fun too.
First of all, i totally cba about hiding, and I don’t see what this should even led to. You can just type shaldinhood on pvpcheck and chrck my char. Second you should really stop trolling since it is getting boring, and you not making anyone laughs. Grow up pls.
People like OP would be the first who come to the forums and complain about balance, toxicity, bad team mates and everything else that would come with soloq.
I have been playing soloq on a lot of private servers at the time, and it was the best thing to do when you don’t have your teammate.
As you do not see anyone complaing about skirmish, why would you even start to complain about a thing that is TOTALLY optional, you don’t get reward, you don’t get anythihg, you just get something do to rather than staying afk all time in the LFG.
Because is would reduce participation in 2s and 3s tremendously and I’m very sure it’d end up being the main type of competitive ranked system for the playerbase. It’s bad for the game and it would ruin everything, stop asking for this crap.
Why would be so bad for the 2s / 3s if it is a thing that apparently many people say is crap?
Do you realize that you would not get any reward from that? You still have to cap in 2s/3s to get points.
The partecipation is already bad because a LOT of people just prefer to not play arena instead of queing 2h in lfg.
Many speccs have way more comps that are considered S-Tier than others.
I dont think people want SoloQ without Rating.
I know the answer is bad, but then up the requirements. Voice and that you want a stable team. Sure it will cost you more time at the start until you can play but in the long run will be the solution for you.
The point before that already covered it. Get yourself premates.
Who ever said something about SoloQ without Rating ? Then you can go skirmish or ?
Many speccs have way more comps that are considered S-Tier than others.
And guess what, NOBODY CARES about that. I don’t care if in skirmish I find more S-Tier than other comp. No one cares. With rating/mmr this will fix by itself, meta classes will be higher and fight between themselves.
I dont think people want SoloQ without Rating.
Wasn’t hard to understand that the rating i was referring was the 2s/3s rating. If i lose rating/mmr in soloq, I simply don’t care. Because rating doesn’t help me with anything
I know the answer is bad, but then up the requirements. Voice and that you want a stable team. Sure it will cost you more time at the start until you can play but in the long run will be the solution for you.
Again, a lot of people are turning 30, and everybody has its own business to do. I just want to play this game, is not that hard. And since I’m not the only one complaining, the system is completely broken, starting from how the LFG works.
Of course all of this is due to the fact that class design is terrible, and only few classes are allowed to be played. You cannot says that what you suggest (find a partner to play with) works for every class, because there are classes that are useless and no one will group that class, but I want to play that class, and by implementing a soloq system will allow me to finally play what I want to play.
It’s not so diffucult to create a system with a solo queue RBG and RArena to be placed side by side to the actual.
GW2 has it and and it’s a 100x crappier game than wow.
So if you want/can to play a premade RBG, because you have friends/comunity/guild with same mmr/cr and gear you can continue to do it, instead if you want to play a totally casual RBG with a class not in meta and low gear you can find a place where all can play it and with a rating system that would differentiate it from normal BGs. It means that more your are good and more you will help your casual team to win , also if you play a not meta class.
Keep using LFG, it can take a long time, but it can depend on what you ask for. If you’re a Warlock at 1600cr asking for 2400 exp players… you will probably have a long wait.
You can do with with LFG if you have lose requirements and don’t expect everyone to be really good players. Plus, Skirmish is a thing.
Not really, if anything this playlist would most likely be the most toxic one of all since everyone will just blame their loss on “random teammates being bad” and blame that for holding them back, just like in all other brackets. if anything having no connection to anyone will help enable this kind of behaviour.
Again, you will after you’ve played it for X amount of time.
I personally don’t think a solo que would work very well due to arena being a team based thing built around comps and synergy, a solo que won’t really bring this aspect of it out in any shape or form, bar the odd game here and there. I can’t see it working out very well unfortunately. Maybe this is not a great example, but have you ever tried solo queing in Overwatch? trying to get 5 other random people to work with you can be a nightmare, you’ll get the same problem trying to get 2 other people to work with you in WoW, especially when its 3 random people matched together. You say you won’t care… but I promise you, after quing in a system like this for a week or so having more bad experiences than good you will realise why its a bad idea.
I do hope you find people to que with though, I’ve had to play an awful lot with LFG this season myself and it was such a horrible experience, I hate almost every single second of it. I think a better option would be to massively work on the LFG system and make it much better, make like a match making system that finds people for you while you are out doing something else and asks you if you want to match with X or Y class that’s has X or Y rating and statistics. Then if you accept you all get put into a group and can que together and see if it works out.
Dude there is skirmish,imagine when you are playing skirmishes for rate. Sometimes Im getting another warrior or some lame superlowgeared tank vengence dh,why would I play thatway with warrior ? Any hybrid selfhealers are in much much forward in soloq. Random ge erated teams cant work badicly you just need luck then to win or lose cuz not every comp is viable.
Yes it will be awful for you,since you are capable only to play S-tier meta, due lack of skill to play anyhting else which is not S-tier…you know what, playing meta is like you have not smartest kid in classrom, and teacher gief him easy chore just to say bravo, and you are that kid… blizzard must overbuff so you can play, because you are not good as other kids in your class. Most fun part is you know it, and it must hurt alot…
Overall in WoW its so many time spended into non playing the game, which gimp you as player… booth in PVP and PVE, in PVE rio score bring fake elitism and discrimination, PvP was since day 1 time consuming to form RBG