You play a great spec that can contribute in most of the maps. You understand your role and class just good enough to give positive win/lose ratio. Great example is rogue which is insane in almost all maps, except maybe deephaul ravine.
You play not a great spec for a solo carry. Your skill and understanding is just enough to keep that 50% winrate on a high mmr.
You get a winstreak to high mmr, and just play to keep that 50% WR until 2400.
Solution: disable duo queue. A healer queuing solo or with a r1 rogue is night and day. Solo queueing in a SoloMode should not be discouraged
even whit positive wr you are in the hands of luck 100,
I’m playing at 2.2 climbing to 2.4 ,people don’t read or type always clueless about strats and the class matchmaking is unbalanced.
Maybe you shouldn’t play duos in a mode where duo queue is allowed and play an unrelated mode that has nothing to do with BGs or the dead mode where you have to find 10 whole players so that you can even queue just because I personally don’t like people who duo queue.
Dude what? xD
Duo queue is allowed. Deal with it.
Some players like to play competitive bgs with a friend but don’t want to assemble an RBG team. This mode is perfect for them.
yep and you described the reason why it’s dead already.
10min queue into a griefer at 2300mmr. Next game 10min queue into the same griefer, literally 8 people of 16 were the same as in the last game, and even same map same teams
I’m just saying 2 games in a row in my game more than HALF of the players are from the previous game. And that wasn’t 3k mmr or anything, only 2.3k.
getting griefed after a 1min queue is okay, waiting 20min to get griefed is demoralizing
Is to be an easily accessible bracket for competitive bgs.
I don’t see how allowing 2 dps would be detrimental.
You can already queue as sub / rdruid duo.
Then why not implement system when game won’t queue people who has each other in Bnet/char friend list or played with each other in the last season? It won’t affect queues that much but degenerates who love to ruin solo experience won’t be able to play together.