How do you compete vs pretty much anyone??
Just gone 4 schuffles 2-4…
dropping dropping and dropping till i meet a healer who is completely new…
I feel like i keep my distance, do abit dmg when everyone is topped - shield the Main target etc.
I MC healer when possible, i Shadowword Death to get dmg before being trapped or polied…
But i just can’t keep the healing going the same way druids, shamans and even pallies do atm (don’t get me started on evoker).
I play so low CR atm its not even funny.
And yes, i know im not R1 player - just a casual noob.
But i really feel like im helpless…
Ok, i suck big time, and I dropped from 2030 to 1650 last night, but for sure the key is rotating right cool downs.
Always start with rapture/barrier, these two will go up before game ends. So you will have 6 cool downs in total per game which is A LOT.
Use your void shift as the last CD, as it avoids dampening. When you use void shift, top yourself to maybe ,40%, and that it, don’t waste globals on yourself, keep spamming our wet noodles heals on main target.
DPS will always run out of barrier, so I use it on things they cannot exit, like abom limb, spear, smoke bomb, things like that.
You said you MC the healer - that’s fine, but usually just MC the melee and run behind pillar. Best after they use their mobility.
Don’t worry about dealing damage, it does not matter at all. What does matter tho is helping with the burst. Don’t try to top dmg matter at the end of each round, but try to contribute to each go your team does.
That’s it. If I let I would be able to do things in practice, I maybe would be a bit higher xDq