Solo shuffle 2.4 = 1.8 real xp?

Dug out some data. Albeit not neccessarily completely representative of what’s happening due to it counting the entire player pool assumedly, it still does put things into perspective. The data is also cumulative for all brackets together.

These are the account statistics to have obtained 1.8 vs. 2.4 rating in the past seasons:

3.958 % vs. 0.506 % (7.8 : 1)
2.285 % vs. 0.174 % (13.1 : 1)
3.082 % vs. 0.278 % (11.1 : 1)
6.463 % vs. 0.775 % (8.3 : 1)

8.030 % vs. 0.769 % (10.4 : 1)
6.217 % vs. 0.708 % (8.8 : 1)
3.874 % vs. 0.440 % (8.8 : 1)
1.848 % vs. 0.144 % (12.8 : 1)

4.699 % vs. 0.966 % (4.9 : 1)
3.927 % vs. 0.440 % (8.9 : 1)
3.298 % vs. 0.290 % (11.4 : 1)
1.792 % vs. 0.291 % (6.2 : 1)

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You are talking about being coordinated in a solo queue enviroment. The skill level will be different to the corresponding rating of a 3 man premade compared to shuffle due to the fact that you can’t or won’t communicate as you did previously. Just look at how other games play, meta and gameplay is vastly different from the solo experience.

In my mind, who cares? Play solo if you want, play coordinated if you want - but do not expect the same experience in both. If you play to improve you will improve, but in the end, it’s just a game :slight_smile:

I love it when casters in general pretend to be Mythic+ bosses standing in the middle of the match allowing the enemy team to do their PvE mechanics. I bet you a skilled pve players in greens can do said mechanic flawlessly and still beat the caster bot :sweat_smile:

SoloShuffle = 300 welfare rating… if that’s even enough

Can i just say that im a basic 1 shot andy on this game. I achieved 2.5k easy in SS on my warlock my normal arena exp is like 1600

2.5 solo shuffle = 1.6k player imo

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r1 shuffle = 1600 player
top 2, 3200cr, on shuffle ladder is max 1700 xp in 3s, git gud


I know a lot of people at 2400 solo shuffle who have max 2k arena xp

While solo shuffle is easier to gain rating in, you got your rating in S1 which is equal to getting 3v3 rating in Shadowlands S2.
Solo shuffle ppl were at 3.6k rating.
SL S2 ppl were at 3.8k rating.

Im not saying it in a bad way though. But if it was as easy as you say, you should have gotten it fairly easy every single season.

I mean when you say it like that it makes sense but your forgetting about the queue times which made many ppl stop playing it as much :slight_smile:

Inflated pre-TWW is pretty crazy. I would say current Solo Shuffle, 2.2k was 1.8-1.9k when it was DF season 4.

You used to start your placement games around 1800, that’s now 2.2k, or at least it has been for me. Though there was speculation that it would go based on your highest character. So maybe Warbands has something to do with it? Potentially an oversight, or they’ve inflated MMR massively in pre patch.

Were still alot more ppl who played solo shuffle for obvious reasons.
MMR makes alot of difference on what kind of ppl you are facing and when you face them.

Np looking at your other forum posts you completely ignore what other people say and you just blab out BS.

So according to you MMR and inflation has nothing to do with how easy it is to climb.

Do you often speak for other people? I will argue like you argue and just not read any responses lol.

Show me where i said [quote=“Yojeong-kazzak, post:35, topic:524092”]
MMR and inflation has nothing to do with how easy it is to climb

I will communicate like you and just start randomly claiming random things that youve never said but i will give the pretense that you did say them :smiley:

So according to you its difficult to get high ratings in solo shuffle. Lol.

Tell me you know your bad without telling me: this guy has almost 3k posts on a level 11 toon almost all about PvP :scream:

I highlighted what you said in the end.
It feels like you are not sure what you write yourself sometimes.

The irony is overwhelming here I CANT :rofl: :rofl:

Can you explain to me where I am not sure of what I write?
About you calling what I write BS?

Here is one example of where you are not sure of what you write. Claiming I believe MMR and inflation has nothing to do with how easy it is to climb. :slight_smile:

i love how you come back asking me this and you have done nothing ive asked you SO now please :slight_smile: as i have already asked show me where i say MMR and inflation has nothing to do with how easy it is to climb- or show me what i said to lead you to believe this.

Oh wait you wont because i didnt hence why you are not sure of what you write :smiley:

If you are still not sure about what your saying let me know and i can explain in further detail :slight_smile:

Gotta run i hope your not too upset chat soon x

So, ill explain why I made that comment.

You answered that with:

Highlighted yet again since you dont seem to remember.
So I answered with what is related to my comment you replied to (MMR) which makes a big difference between when you face good ppl which you called out to be BS.

You dont need to be mad and get offended when being called out.
Sad times when ppl keep getting offended for small things.

It actually makes sense and the stats we can see on your chars, you definitely can’t blame the queue times for it. Your lock and your hunter pulled less than 50% win rate, not even hitting 1,8k… I mean… not even 1,5k cr after 40 rounds with a 40% win rate… is that how 2,5k xp looks like? Is that really how real 2,5k xp should look like? Call me crazy but I’d expect a better win rate from a “high” xp player.
On your monk you did better and had more rating (1,8k with 56% win rate) but you not really gonna blame queue times on a healer, will you? Queue times were always less than 1 minute, especially at lower rating…
Idk what’s the whole point but S1 was obviously free… I quit after hitting 2,1k at 83% win rate… Idk how it’s not obvious how everything was scuffed and how rating was free in S1…