Solo shuffle advice needed


I need an advice on how to proceed.

First time since 2009 (started wow) I want to get 1800 rating armor for shaman. I Love that recolor. So my goal was to get that I started doing PvP as Ele sham. First took some basic build off murloc io and went hard in.

After first few games I was at 1462 rating, being happy. Damn this gonna be easy creeped into my mind. And then i hit a brick wall. Got a match that I won 4/2 and go no rating change… at the time I was not sure how is that possible. Another match I did again 4/2 and I lost rating… not much but still a loss. This was the moment that I got really annoyed and started reading about that system, the whole mmr calculation on solo shuffle.

Right now because of getting lower rated people and even going 3/3 Im at 1340 rating. Not sure exact numbers but got like 120 games and my win to lose ratio is like 40%/60%, which dramatically increased due to frustration.

Right now im not sure what to do. Should I still try to push that 1800 on elemental shaman or swap specs ro enha and start from 0 while being more careful about team rating in specific matches ?


You should try to learn and improve instead of trying to cheese the system. And next time don’t wait with pushing until one week before season end.

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you just need to que and get better. Nobody but yourself is keeping you at 1350 Rating.

Play a lot and get experience so you can take advantage of when you get lucky match ups is the way to go.

I also think playing Skirmishes can provide you some training ground, learn the maps by adapting your tactics accordingly, learn how to connect with healer and line of sighting enemies as you play rounds. (Bare in mind in some skimishes you play 2vs2) but it should provide you some feedback in how to survive and when to use your cds.

Hey mate

Since you’re out of time, your best bet is to keep pushing the Elemental

In case you are looking for gameplay improvement, I found this vod of a good Ele shaman playing Shuffle which you can check out and perhaps learn some things you should be doing

Your only alternative due to the limited time provided is attempting the 1800 in 2v2 or 3v3, and 2v2 is arguably easier for that rating. Would recommend grabbing a Resto Druid partner for doing that.

In case you want some pointers on what you may be able to do better, feel free to post a video link of a Shuffle you played here as a response and maybe we can help out with any tips

Your main focus as Elemental is to deny your enemies from playing the game while spamming your DPS rotation. By deny I mean rooting and knocking and static-fielding melees away on cooldown, interrupting healers and hitting them as well, etc. The more annoying you are for the enemy team + the bigger damage you have, the more you will win.

My advice on solo shuffle is, don’t play it. Solo shuffle is beyond broken, annoying, and very time consuming given the wait times for DPS. Best to do normal arena for rating / conq.

Wait times are actually pretty good this late into the season at 2.4/5 mmr maxx 10-15 min

Ele is very comp dependent in shuffle you need to know when to play seasoned winds talent, when to play burrow etc. When to take double cap stun, poison cleanse vs assa rogues, decurse on CD vs affli locks etc. Use healing stream on CD, keep earthshield up on you and the other dps.
Any melee lobby where youre the target, which is most of the time, is gonna suck and largely depends on your healer. The melees are gonna have uptime on you almost the full time static is your only rly way to get out of it for a few seconds, root is hit and miss and it breaks easily, gets dispelled, and many melees have ways out of it themselves. However you dont always want to use static defensively. Static+double cap stun, which you can often land on the full team - into PW burst is one of the best things you have for getting a kill or forcing a lot of defensives.
Also dont forget you have 3 spell schools, icefury is especially useful to bait a kick as it only locks you out of frost, can also hard cast a lava burst that only locks you out of fire, then you can spam heal or land a hex or lasso etc.
Also at least at my low MMR a lot of the times you can drag a melee thats on you toward the pillar, that static+project+doubl cap stun them out of LoS from their healer and get a kill, hilarious when it works lol.

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