yoo solo shuffle is buggy i get rating when i was in the arena. then i came back to city and my rating went back like before arena wtf? when i won 5-1 or 6-1 everytime is sucks bug but when i lose its not ? gg all time just bugs
Same happened to me i got +44 at the end of shuffle but when i left the arena my rating stayed the same
i was playing soloshuffle and after we won 1 match we all got kicked and i got a 60 min deserter buff and -150 rating This is not the first time it happend today but the last time i didnt lose any rating!!
Same, went 4:2 got 61 rating but now it says I didnt play any games
Same issue. I should got 149rate but nothing changed. I stoped q-ing and got demotivated to play the rest of the day.
i also get kicked and no rating.
kicked second time and now i got 90 min ban :D…
I checked as well. No points here as well. Also, no conquest token from the healer incentive box.
Same happened to me. Blizz please fix this asap. It’s not safe to play shuffle rn.
Got the bug again today on 2 different chars. Fun
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