Solo Shuffle: DK vs DH

From my games:

  • DH always have double the dps of everyone else in every game. My current problem is that I have one in 9/10 shuffles I do.
  • I’m currently a potato plate wearer and I’m getting tunneled by them all games they are against me. My self healing is useless against them.

Since the DS nerf I don’t even take the Improved DS talent anymore it’s completely useless.

Their magic damage are like physical damage, rune of spellwarden is mitigating some damage but it’s never enough (luckily for us most of their damage is magic at the exception of The Hunt that executes under 50% hp), my healer can have 2 times more healing than the other healer that’s never enough.

How do we have to play against DH comps and how are some DKs (even the rank 1 for more than a decade) even able to go to 2k5 ? Do they not encounter DH most of their games ? Is there any secret ?
Playing defensive or kitting is useless outside of their Metamorph since they are doing perma burst damage apparently.

How are you doing against them and at which mmr ?

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I’m clapping every dh i see at 2.4 mmr rn

Yes sure ofc.

I mean as UH I have had maybe one or two games when I was ever topped damage by a DH so I am not sure. In general it seems only Aff locks top me . The guy above obv isn’t trolling he is 2.3k in solo shuff.

Pre nerfs I found DH’s very hard to deal with but now they seem mostly manageable, but loosing to the damage to them was never an issue.

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