Solo shuffle function

4-2 = +8 cr
2-4 = -50cr

Anyone know how they calculate this? This is given CR = MMR of game

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IS the same for me i win 3 out of 3 0 Rating and the next i win 2 out of 6 and get - 65
i cant get over 1200 in rating i get to 1200 rating and next game i just win 2 out of 6 and - 65 and go down down down down :S
i am soon down healing SS i will try to go dps and i suks as dps i played healer in 16 yr in wow and SS is NOT fun to heal and is hard to get raing as a healer
and i am not a rank 1 healer i an just a NooB healer who like to heal in pvp and i am sad to say is not fun as healer and i play Rshaman and Rdruid

You guys have to stop hyper-focusing on all of the small details with shuffle. Every thread is someone asking why they got 8 rating for a single 4-2 game, how they canā€™t climb because a partner died with a defensive cooldown available, or why they are in a lobby with people who have different mmr. You are all going to go insane doing that: Itā€™s like watching the clock while at school/work. It never moves and you just get frustrated watching it. When you just let the time pass while focusing on your tasks for the day it rolls by in what feels like no time.

Itā€™s the same with shuffle. If you are trying to look at every small detail after every game while watching your rating itā€™s never going to move and you are always going to find something to complain about. Instead just focus on ā€œbeing the difference makerā€ every lobby and carrying your teammates by playing the best you can. If you do that you will get 4+ wins consistently and climb (if you are good enough). If you are not good enough then you will be where you belong until you improve.

IS the same for me i win 3 out of 3 0 Rating and the next i win 2 out of 6 and get - 65
i cant get over 1200 in rating i get to 1200 rating and next game i just win 2 out of 6 and - 65 and go down down down down :S
i am soon down healing SS i will try to go dps and i suks as dps i played healer in 16 yr in wow and SS is NOT fun to heal and is hard to get raing as a healer
and i am not a rank 1 healer i an just a NooB healer who like to heal in pvp and i am sad to say is not fun as healer and i play Rshaman and Rdruid

yes it works

u play it as dps and eventually ding 2.1 and then 2.4

can be climb with somewhat skill based choises or treated as a grind

anyway u chose u will eventually climb as dps

there is ppl with +2800cr 1600 played and 50% w/l dps they climb with 4/6

this is the function of solo suffel to print many many clueless duelista and elite dps for df seasons :slight_smile:

game on gamer

not even blizzard knows how mmr works im 100% sure.
its a clown bracket for clowns, i just wish they would make it an event or smth, and enable it only for 1 week in a month so 3s is not deflated and dead like now

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yes the way they implemented suffel and the pvp ā€œtunesā€ now breaking the game on weekly basis are excellent way to kill the last of pvp left

Pvp still would be dead, because no one wanna play with toxic, elitist morons, who run like pussies if donā€™t win 1st gameā€¦.This is the reason why Shuffle appeared.

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From my understanding and observations on solo shuffle the rating change is not based only on current lobby you just done but on your overall win-lose ratio. So if for example you lose 4 lobbies 0-6 and then on your fifth you win 6-0 you gonna gain 0 rating.

Itā€™s also a snowball-like so the bigger your streak is the more rating you gonna get. If you got a good streak of winning rounds two things gonna happen;

  1. You will be gaining more cr for winning rounds

  2. You will be matched in higher mmr and that will cause to get you more rating for winning games


idk i like to heal ppl who bind their buttons and have awareness

now im doing the complete opposite and anything else is too deflated and dead to bother play

if im a moron cause of thisā€¦ then i guess its fine by me

ill gladly be the moron who studyes other classes than my own and do research on various things even outside the game and do the required effort of setuping addons and making my own weakauras or modifying someones else for my needs

if that is concidered as moron these days then ill be it u got me mr :slight_smile:

was 600 cr lower than my mmr on my 7th solo shuffle, went 6/0 healing clueless clowns and won to another disc which was 350 cr higher than me, gained 52 pts. at least i capped my vault this week :clown_face:

gr8 m8 i r8 8/8

3s is ā€˜ā€˜deadā€™ā€™ because itā€™s a gatekept bracket

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