Solo Shuffle has to be deleted

Shuffle is the worst by design and most toxic for long que as dps and not ever fixing it for over a year so there would been reason for more healers to play it. Shuffle will be dead with blitz but only thing i care about is that neither help nothing for arena in a participation based system so custom is also dead and no much worth trying make own comps if whole playerbase is on some other modes and only sweats left on arenas. Blitz is the future we like it or not, can already see it cause it gives most easily the same seasonal ranks you get in arena/ss and its less pressure so ppl can enjoy playing which im not against for a video game. They could iteriated these modes so that old ones didnt die tho or just changed the rated system into % based or something new.

Thing is a lot of player including myself play shuffle cause it’s either play ss or don’t play at all (cause 3s without teammate there is no way).

And like said above for people that got a work, you can’t spend 24/7 in lfg and or q at prime time cause you have to wake up early to work.

Ss is the only way if you want to pvp for the majority of player for those reasons, doesn’t mean I enjoy it more than 3s especially when you see so much mistakes you aren’t supposed to see at such high rating compared to 3s.

I can’t believe since shuffle era, how much weird mistake I see especially from r1 people, such as triple Dr cc or forget to use cool down or even target the wrong guy or never use any fear/sheep (like wtf 2 sheep in 4 min game Oo).


Arena didn’t before? :sweat_smile:

FOTM rerolling has always been a thing. RMP being one of the top comps in 3s was almost true in all seasons

Edit: my point is → PvP in Warcraft is trash in general, it is built around PvE and PvP balancing will never feel right. With Solo shuffle people who play bad specs or have time-issues can still queue for it. Won’t be fun, but at least they can play.

I also didnt ask for soloq, but now I honestly enjoy it be it, win or lose. I havent played it a lot last 2 seasons tho, only tried soloq last 2 weeks before this season end. Back in s1 and s2 I felt in love with that mode, but I noticed by myseld that when I played it too much back in first 2 seasons I started being annoyed with it. Now after creating some variety of my in-game activities as well as just taking some good breaks for useful irl things and I really love and enjoy shuffle. I might be wrong I might be not. In my opinion let it be, just play whatever pvp bracket you like, but dont force them to delete what I like and probably some other people. Let everyone has their poison. anyway its game, its all useless for life once you turn off pc and getting back to real life problems.

SS should only give conquest. Nothing else. No rating, no rewards, nothing.

It’s completely ruined the other brackets. If something requires more effort, it should be more rewarding. Simple.

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LFG is exactly the same prob worse in some cases, spend hr finding a team for them to leave after 1 loss, toxic and everyone is glad exp from old exps which doesnt mean much if they been stuck 1800 for 3 exps. People forget how bad lfg was before solo shuffle. i have to admit im not a fan of blizt cause its very rng and u cant carry the team like u can in 3s

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I mean only dps, heals on other hand remember how good arena were before solo shuffle. You have to keep in mind that solo shuffle is only good for fotm dps and heals dont benefit from the mode even remotely as much even if they play fotm cause of the design of the mode and how dps and heal mmr are separated.

Before shuffle heals literally went to lfg and picked the best guy that apply to them, then friend the ones that they bond with. Shuffle you have to try carry the guy who go 0-6 every game he joins and dps gain 4-2 most of the time from it and heals go 3-3 and sometimes even lose mmr from this. This is not fun or incentive gameplay for heals even if we leave out the higher dampen which also doesnt feel fun for them.

No healer enjoys trying to figure out how he could be able make the 0 xp guy in honor gear who just join his 2.2kcr 2.2kmmr lobby to win against the others in full bis and who do have exp etc. No healer enjoys being treated like some free booster for dps, or the ppl who keep running around pillars with zero awareness where their team is positioned etc. I bet many will rather heal solo bg than shuffle. They have already paid one expansion where dps had party and heals were left pay the bills.

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It did nothing to the other brackets. They just brought a bracket to the game that most people who mainly queued with LFG were asking for.

If it has became so popular that a lot of people don’t queue other brackets anymore, it is not the fault of RSS! It is the complete opposite as the reason lies in the other brackets obviously!

The advantages of RSS for LFG people is quite easy. They can queue solo and the opponents have to play no voice LFG like they do. So why should they still play 3s? It has no advantage for them. Especially if you play a spec or class with very limited comp choices!

Lol ok. Stopped reading there.

Because you are like the typical WoW PvPer. You always blame the other but never look at your side. :+1:

I guess it might be different when TWW hits, but Blitz seems pretty chill so far. I’ve done SS only a handful of times on my healers and it was enough to make me never play the bracket again. But admittedly, I’ve never been much of an arena player, its much easier to deal with people being a douche in a bracket you know fairly well.

Like the players playing this game.
Solo shuffle’s here to stay.

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I hope blitz will give us more per win than it currently does. My cr goes up by 7 to 11 +/- only

What’s you mmr / rating? During first week I’ve always played starting from 1500mmr and progressed my way up to 1600 and eventually reaching to 2k and above and have always generated a substantial ammount of rating eventually leading to 25-27 rating and started to lose rating when my rating was the same to my mmr, last match I played was 2 days ago, only won 17 rating on a similar mmr to my rating which is currently 2118+ (cant remember the exact number)

I have also noticed my mmr dropped in some matches despite winning and lost that same match and lost none rating so I’m wondering if that’s intended or a bug.

my mmr is 1600 or 1700? I dont know my personal mmr. Im at 1600 cr with like 11-3 on the shaman. I must admit I havent qued up for it alot but I just noticed my CR gains were around 7 to 11 per win.

So basically you’re in a close gap from your personal rating to the average mmr (if I’m not mistaken) you pretty much want to have something like 1600 rating on a 1.8 / 1.9 mmr to ramp up the rating gainance I say this because I’ve pretty much reached my “potential” being 2.1 rating on a 2.180+ mmr so when I win I’ll earn a small chunk, say 14 rating.

If anyone has a better understanding to what I explained above do correct me, but it gives me the impression that you need to build up your MMR much higher than your current Rating.

The higher, the merrier I always think.

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is it though? when rating is attached to a gamemode there will always be pressure and especially alot of flaming.

In an 8vs8 environment where you are basically “trapped” with your team i think the toxicity will be immense.
I doubt it will be less pressure and more chill but we will see.

I guess it depends, I hate shuffle format where we rotate around teams for 6 rounds in short intervals and some are upset from previous rounds and grief or say something or whatever, the format annoy me and cause stress to even play it, I hate the idea of “shuffling” same people who just played against and some lost and some won. I enjoy 2s and 3s where even lfg is bearable and with battlenet most ofc. I think solo bg I will just blend in the 8 and not simply care so much of nothing and just do the objectives as best I can till round end and go next. I think it will be really simple and casual like this as format

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