Solo Shuffle has to be deleted

It’s only good for the game. It has created an vile atmosphere, anonym atmosphere that no one cares about anything. It’s unsocial content and it doesn’t serve it’s purpose. As a player i didn’t ask this type of content into World of Warcraft and some players demanded solo experience but it has turned to be worst World of Warcraft experience i’ve ever had in the game.


the implications of what i expected vs what we got is a big shame, cause as it stands rn. John doe gets 2k+ by just running at the weakest class in the lobby.


i disagree.

Beind a dad and having a full time job. I love shuffle. sometime its toxic ye. but i like i can play shuffle when my friends cant play. only the rewards and the system can use a overhaul.


How do you find time? As dps it would take entire day of queing to get something marginal done and it can be easily ruined with single game of people just deciding to grief you. Imo that sounds terrible compared to playing arena with ppl that you build friendship with. Or even lfg is better to be able bail out if notice they have no idea of season or anything. Personally I hate being stuck for 6 rounded shuffle with people that I notice have no idea that we are 3 people in team. And as dps I dont know how 30min ques are good, theres no good options for this all are bad.

Before shuffles you would play heal on lfg if you had no friends to play and ofc you wouldnt had tried to go lfg as dps cause there is plenty of them already but less heals so if wanna play then one learned to heal and then gets to spam games with comps their chosing. Now were stuck in some 30min dps ques or have to play random comps with ppl that likely not all have addons or entire spellbook on hotbars.

There are so many ways to improve this game than adding SS.


Agree, SS were the nail to coffin that ruin entire expansion. Sometime in future ppl will remind it like a bad dream.


Yeah and i think Blizzard wasn’t expecting their playerbase playing FOTM and rerolling, hence destroying also the whole experience in Shuffle.

  • DH
  • WARR
  • RET

Solo Shuffle is actually having this same loop of these classes. Find it enjoyable, nah.

Soloq is a joke, yep.

i have a solution if you dont like a specific peice of content dont play it. simple. some people like the solo experience like myself. far too many unhinged wow players in the discord for me to want to socialise with any of you degenerates =D. I had a guy on discord 3v3 telling me he was going to kill my mum just because we lost a match. is that your idea of socialising? nty


Yep dont play solo if you dont like go 3s.
Wait half of the day to get 2peps and after 1loose back to lfm.


Play bracket which you prefer. More options, better in my opinion.
Cant farm noobs as usual till 2100?
If want to go social you are welcome, if dont want to, got option for that also.
Why premade players are so much against SS, cos cant reach same ratings as before?

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Shouldn’t’ve nerfed yourself with a kid, don’t you know wow is a full-time job without salary?

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Some could say it’s an investment. Get them into WoW young and grinding you gold :smiley:

How do ppl convince themselves Shuffle created toxicity in this game?
Just listen to some old vent/TS recordings from vanilla. WoW has always been like this…


I agree.


Basically every pvp game in nutshell.
This should be written in gold.

Solo shuffle will probably die out now with blitz anyway.

I know I won’t be setting foot in that cursed place again lol


You don’t like it? You don’t have to queue for it.

So what exactly is your issue? You think shuffle is the reason for a vile atmosphere? The atmosphere was already insanely toxic expansions before solo shuffle was brought to the game, so that is a lame excuse!


You realize bg blitz will be way worse, right?

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If anyone thinks Shuffle will die with rated blitz, I have to say my opinion against it.

I played relatively a lot of it with healer colleague of mine, and things we saw in Blitz … solo shuffle is peak PvP content where only sun shines compared to blitz.

It is 1000x worse in terms of climbing, toxicity and people being hard anchor.

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