Hi Blizzard, please read and comment on these Solo Shuffle improvements!
Winning a game as a healer (minimum 4 rounds won) should give you an account wide buff that gives you priority in the solo shuffle queue as a DPS spec. This will reward logging in on a healer and winning an arena and then going back to your DPS character to get into a game faster. This I feel is “a no brainer” improvement to promote more healers queuing. Since 4 rounds is required you can’t just AFK or play bad.
Implement the possibility to “freeze” the que. You sit in the queue for 30 minutes. Just when you must leave the room, for you know, life, the queue pops and you miss it. A solution is to queue and get into a skirmish game and just go AFK (this has the same freezing effect) but I feel it’s not nice to the ret paladins that are rocking skirmish
Thanks for all the great work here on the forum and listening to all the suggestion on how to improve this 20 year old game!
I have more suggestion so just give me a shout and i share.
I understand wanting to created a incentive for players to actual heal. But shouldn’t the focus be on improving and balancing healers properly so healers are more fun to play.
It’s better to queue for follower dungeon than skirmish to pause queue as you can sit afk there and don’t get deserter if you take too long (which would remove you from shuffle queue)
Even if you dont want to play a healer this will mean that it will be alot more healers quing so the que will go down for every one. There litterary is 0 down side? What is it you dont like?
I wouldn’t know. Maybe they can focus on both maybe they can’t. Imo priority should be balancing healers. Maybe your crystalball has insight knowledge on blizzard work schedule, mine only tells the time.
People don’t like taking responsibility, and playing healer / tank is taking responsibility. That’s why you have less tanks / healers in both PvP and PvE content, even though some tanks make you feel godlike at times and let you solo M+ bosses.
As a DPS player I almost never got flamed / hated even in games where as Feral I by accident played 4 games in my Bala gear with a Int Staff.
However lose a few games as healer and you’ll get comments during shuffle how you suck and are to blame for everything and even whispers after game. Just making healers “fun” probably won’t do it, cause every season we have at least 1-2 OP healers that are super fun to play and still nobody plays them.