Solo shuffle is dead

I enjoy arena but im not dealing with 45 minute ques in shuffle so if i do arena it´ll be 3s with freinds. I dont mind shuffle but its not even remotely worth the que time. Any gamemode that has me spending more time waiting than playing isnt something ill spend time on.

You forgot about Smoke Bomb - Shadowy Duel - Blind - Vanish + Garrote

Most mele is brailess keyboard smashers. Most arenas only target trying to be kick os me as a main target (boomy). Already got buffed on damage but its mythic+ thing. Boomy gameplay its around root+beam healer pup all instant cds and hide in bear form. Amaizing.

Just remove healers, and renged instanter (old name caster) from solo shuffle. 3vs3 zug-zugers festival. All complaining will be around why i have no touch of karma, or why i have no bubble. And remove pilar or other objective, that rouge couldnt reset.

In my opinion cc is not a problem, problem is how high burst is. Most squishy class have use def cds every time they are touch by 2x mele autoattack. When they pup cds non heal can save. U need to have cc. But its shouldnt be that some can die while single stun.
Reward for well timed chain cc was always sense of pvp. But which mele want to play arena longer than 30sec? I liked my 10-20min fights, when u try to outsmart enamy team. Was very satisfaing for me.

But ii was a time when every calss have less cc, and it was crucial to use it. Now every one have everything. Micro cc is a worst thing ever made. Somebody thing we give so many cc, maybe give some classes immunity for everthing (dk if dont know).
Less is more in that couse. Less spell, more valuable when to use it. That is a thing, and its that i remember arena.
I guess game change for modern expansion players. Maybe is time to throw sentiment and just find another game. Left zug zug for themselfs.

Not deader then 3s and 2s. And rated bgs lol.

They should only leave Blitz and Shuffle as only rated pvp modes, then at least the playerbase will not be divided 5 ways.

True, but these have been dead since shuffle was added.

It has to get worse, before it will get better. Maybe the positive reception of blitz will change their position on healer MMR in shuffle

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Good one xd

The issue to me in Solo shuffle is that CC is now a part of rotation instead of being a tool, it’s way to easy to press CC without a thought now specially with all the extended damage needed to break some CC.
DR needs to have a big revamp to balance out CC.

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and yet here are the dps complaining they have long queue’s while bashing on the healers -_-‘’ so then just do 3s or 2s without a healer… you arer only trolling… and doing such a good job that alot of players you talk to in that kind of way will leave pvp… no wonder its dying… the ‘’ experienced ‘’ players drive new players to pve by being and acting like little kids

Everyone plays FOTM specs, normally DPS which increases the time, I assume because it tries to avoid the same spec in a lobby where possible.

Also BGB is a thing now, as wild as the MMR system in that mode is its more relaxed but still full of dribblers

Queue times have nothing to do with popularity and all to do with the ratio lf healer/dps signing up.

It’s been bad a long time, personally I think part of it is because WoW pvp is hard to get into and learn but honestly, solo shuffle is SUPER toxic, unless you are already good, forget about learning because you will be flamed, every game and every match. I’m average learning a new spec / class atm and I get plenty of flames but if I’m not, someone else is. So headsup to the people complaining about ques and healers, there are none because no one wants to play with you. (Played Dota, LoL and Dota 2 for most of my life, games that are known for being toxic, in my experience, Solo Shuffle is worse, not just me though but there’s almost always at least one player being flamed which is dumb if you want more players to learn, que, heal and play.)

Why play solo shuffle? If you aint one of the top 5 solo shuffle class-speccs, your just going to have a bad time.

If Blizz wants solo shuffle to shine, they have to be better at hitting the correct classes with the frequent balance patches.

I am a little surprised its so hard for them to focus on the most OP classes. Drustvar has already done half the data science work for them. Check solo shuffle there right now and it takes you less than 10 seconds to figure out what 5 classes are having the most fun.

Why SS is death?

There is only one reason, and its called this priest… evrything else are minor problem, they are reason why other healers not wish to play, they are reason for boring gameplay, they are reason for 45mins que… no one else

The fact that this issue exists since the day SS was introduced proves you wrong. It’s just a combination of;

  • Healer imbalance
  • Overall some classes and specs being ‘easier’ when dealing with randoms
  • Group matchmaking being … well … odd. Stacking 4 of the same class in a game? Why not…
  • Players tunnel-visioning and just soaking everything they get tossed at them
  • No support
  • Snappy comments when it goes south
  • 6 rounds. If you’re a bit unlucky with the matchmaking it’s 6 rounds of misery

It’s just not fun, most of the time. That’s the issue. The focus on, now, priests is nothing but a distraction from the underlying issues.


Solo shuffle not being fun is a good point. The design is overly stressful and requires committing to highly focused play for 30min, and like LoL Ranked, you are “forced” to sit through it.

In BGBlitz, I feel like regardless of how much we are losing, I have the agency to play for the win.

In Shuffle? Just being a Spriest entering a room with 2 disc and 3 Unholy DKs, I don’t need to play 6 rounds to know that I will die all 6 rounds, but yet I am forced to live through it 6 times.

Personally, I think it would be more fun to have 2v2 solo arena ranked (all dps) and 3v3 solo arena ranked, just 1 quick match and done in both cases.

For dps, having a dps only solo shuffle mode is something I think would make queues really good and the format would be really fun.

i been playing only battlegrounds since 2012 its main content i play , only reason i played solo shuffle because its easiest way to gain conquest in DF but now with war within i have no reason to

i mained healer in dragonflight and as soon as war within blitz hit i instantly switch with both my healers and even my dps too

healer as you know are joke to play in solo shuffle

they turn my main demo lock to shadow bolt spec so face tanking 2 melee as demo is no longer a thing because of too much hard casting now as they destroyed demo bolt economy

rogues feels x10000 much better in battlegrounds where you can go in and off and do objective with ease compare to solo shuffle you are always kill target

class/spec balance is less of an issue in bg blitz as its more about strategy and team work than team , and you wouldn’t have to worry about stupid people in say 2v2 / 3v3 / or rated bg who say ( EiThEr U pLaY thEiS ClAaSS / SpEc oR nO InViTe anD liNK aChiEveMenT GLaD ) which makes it impossible for new players to enter pvp which kills the game at slowly but surely rate


Blitz is just superior over shuffle so I dont wonder either why ppl prefer blitz over it. Also the 30min on op post is pretty standard, I waited 20-50min ques through df for 2 years for that horribly designed mode that made almost everyone quit healing. As I see no changes related shuffle I dont know why any would go heal it over blitz or arenas. I will happily watch shuffle disappear, dont want it and they never adressed the issues for healers in it so not surprised if its not played.

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BGB and healing imbalance is the issue - which also causes lack of healers

Have to play my heart out on MW in arena even at low rating - meanwhile non stop going against disc all day

discs doing more or the same dmg as MW for example yet 100x the damage