Solo shuffle queue times

Is there no way to decrease queue times.
I mean I just wanna log in and play and not heal every game.
Are there some serious reworks being done to make people want to heal are created incentive to heal or is this it ?

Sitting in queue 50% of the time instead of playing is huge waste of time.
I would rather play any other game with a light weighted background programma that lets me know when a queue pops and just loads my right in to the arena lol…

No they aren’t working on it, but they could start today and have it fixed mostly for next season.

Make 3-3 count as a win and never result in an MMR loss. Thats it. You overnight make healing the FOTM role that people log on to farm enchants, mogs and tabards.

The long term solution, which only works and goes hand in hand with the above, is to make more healing specs and buff the terrible healing specs. 7 healing specs, 29 dps specs. Really, its 5 healing specs, because Mistweaver and Holy Priest have been awful in arena for like a decade, with maybe 1 season per expansion where they get a gimmicky set bonus that makes them strong.

The lack of healing specs on top of the 3-3 problem, means you are punished significantly more for not FOTMing as a healer than you are as a DPS.

I mean just feast your eyes on this - Europe, Solo Shuffle, 1800+:

If you don’t play hpala or disc, you are simply a battery for the enemy healer, who is 66% of the time going to be a disc or hpala, to farm rating off of you.

The solution btw isn’t to nerf disc or hpala. Its to buff the hell out of mw, hpriest, rsham, rdruid and prevoker. You want every healer feeling as strong as Disc, so that people who only play resto shaman (like me!!) will possibly log on and farm out a set and slightly reduce queue times for a week.


I like how there’s really only a handful of healing specs, and yet the balance among them is still absolute garbage.

On a more serious note, I would consider finishing leveling my healer, if I didn’ have to completely redo my UI, keybinds, and half of my current weakauras to even even be viable.

Not to mention all the freaking keybinds!!

Maybe healers dont need to be even more super crazy powerful numbers wise, just, a bit more approachable.


Sure, make more healing specs that work like fistweaver and make them at least decent.

Give dps players an option to heal via gameplay they actually enjoy.

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Healing id too punishing, too many keybind. Make healer easier and people will tag more as healer.

Healers have 5 times harder to climb in rating in these solo que systems. Thats the biggest problem. Its annoying and unrewarding to constantly play on mmr bellow your skill, watching the donuts fail constantly and you being unable to do anything about it. Why would you ever play a healer, if you cant climb accordingly? If I make a dps I cant even play, wait 30-50 mins in que and Im able to push the game to victory, I gain way more than being the id**t cannon fodder that heals 3 games with no queues for 1 hour and gains +0.
I main healer and every dps char I make, barely any keybinds, random copied murlok build and I push it higher than my healers I have 10 times higher experience with.

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7 vs 29 and only 2 viable specs atm… sad
Guess first step should be to make the other 5 specs viable and then see how you can make more healer classes. At least al the caster classes including hunter can be designed to also include a healing spec. That’s 3 more.

They should really put a little more effort in PvP so it can be bigger part of WoW again…

Reason of long que is: Disc priest and Hpals are only viable healers, and they alone cannot drive healthly que times

Solution: Buff underperformers or nerf well performers no other way around… Right now if you are not meta healer game for you feels 3 versus 4, and offcourse people not wanna play.

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Agree… Games versus god tiers feels 3 versus 4

No. Don’t buy their products. That works the best. They don’t read complains,so you are wasting your time here as well.

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