Solo Shuffle Rank 1 Cutoffs

With season 1 ending on may 2, several questions regarding solo shuffle cutoff are somewhat unanswered as of now. It would be great to get some clarity on what to expect speifically going into the final phase.

  1. when will official cutoffs be provided on ladder and how often refreshed?
  2. sites like checkpvp already provide cutoffs based on blizz API already. As per how the API is currently designed, only players with >=1000 cr are counted into the rank 1 calculation. Thus, way less spots than if every participant would be counted (incl. those <1000cr). Is this decision final or potentially subject to change?
  3. if rank 1 is accountwide, yet one character would (hypothetically) get r1 on all specs at the same time - would none/any/all of the specs specific cutoffs be extended by one spot, or does it only apply if one account has multiple chars (of the same spec) on multiple rank 1 spots?
  4. for tank specs, there seems to be a different rule set in place. With specs like brew (4 spots) or vengeance (3 spots) despite not even having 1000 players total, it just adds to the confusion surrounding the used methodology to determine rank 1s.
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