Solo Shuffle ( Solo Queue ) has failed

at least that way you get 4 weeks of active players and reduce the queue times… it’s no wonder there isn’t a lot of players on higher ratings at the moment, even though it’s been weeks since the season start. no horse would follow a carrot on a stick, if the stick was 10 meters long :smiley:

Everyone stopped playing 2v2 and 3v3 to play shuffle instead
Healing solo shuffle is cancer
No healers = Long queues
Long queues = people quit
The MMR system is completely farts too
Oh and lack of pvp balancing and updates

Those are my reasons for quitting


Probably it is their real personal skill reflection.

It hasn’t failed, but the MMR and CR problem is a BIG deal. It is putting many off, to win many games only to see all the points earned towards CR be dusted away with one 2-4 loss. I swear you would have to win 5 games at 4-2 to not actually lose the same amount of points earned with ONE 2-4 loss.

That is the real problem.

Well yes and no. Me for example: I play with the same person since burning crusade. We were rank 1 in 2s and 3s in our battlegroup and i was constantly top 5 regardless of what i played up and in Wrath of the lich king. But its not that i was super good, its more that people were not better. The general population is ALOT better now, and im not.

I had 3k rating at one point and was constantly between 2.7-3k, but that was back then and not now. Would I even DREAM of using that as some sort of relevant experience nowadays?? Of course not. Im even hesitant to use 2.4k xp from SL s2 and getting 2.5k in SS is not something I will use as xp either. Thats the difference. Those others boasting of 3k+ xp did it back in wotlk or something with a frikkin destro/ele comp in 3s and somehow are using it as a male genitalia enlarger here and now.


Fun fact, my team used to be called The Psychotherapists (since that was and is our line of work) but someone reported us for “psycho the rapists” and Blizzard force-changed our name to The Psychiatrists. Those were the goold old days.

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soloq and soloshuffle are 2 diff things.

also personally i never wanted arena solo as much as i wanted rated bg solo.


thats an excelent point.
Soloque Rated Battlegrouds sound F A N T A S T I C.

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been asking for ages, but between blizz and half the community spamming it would be bad it never happened, now we got a pseudo soloq that still doesn’t concern me that much, id call it tiltque or smth, to be avoided

what pains me is people saying “see? you finnaly got soloq and people don’t like it”

okay, first of all, nobody wanted soloshuffle, i understand why they made it, but i know why it fails on different levels, and why people are not thrilled to play it, i myself decided to never q that again unless im depressly bored and even then i have to restort to all my patience to not enter a raging flaming mode with my temmates

rated bg soloq on the other hand, ive been asking for it since cataclysm basicaly, when i realized that unless i have connections or play SS tier class, i can never play rated bg above EXTREMELY casual level, and that was before boosting became what it is today, back in the day boosters used to boost for 2k+ nowdays people boost at 1.5k cr… like WHAT ? u have to sit hours of q, and get lucky, and enter a NO VOICE, NO COMP, NO EXP group, because your class is B tier, and you are matched vs r1 rated bg players with voice ? okay i guess…then what ? people point out your winratio is not to their liking because of that ? okay i guess, what next ?

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Im scared of the way people can abuse Solo RBGS if they ever put them in game. Its already a frustrating experience with 6 people, nevermind 20. One leaver = Game over. One guy that decides to troll = Game over. Guys that find ways to join as a team = game over, and so on.
But it would be awesome if they could implement it in some way.

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yea true, they need to find a way for leavers to not impact the game

Its always a low MMR problem. People who have nothing to lose feel no shame in ruining the fun for others.
Between 1400-1600mmr, 25% of games somebody leaves.
Between 1600-2000, maybe 10%.
Above 2000, extremely rare.
In rated bgs will be the same, but probably harder to get out of the hellhole. Maybe they switch to 6v6 or 8v8 format?

6v6 doubt it, in their own words “they would have to rework all the maps to work in that sort of enviroment” i highly doubt they are gonna spend extra money on something that seems like a gamble in terms of paying off

8v8 same objectives… maybe, shoud prob stay 10v10 at the end of the day, id say make it like this, and see how it goes, what problems it has, and fix step by step

but thats something that rarely happens, id say leaving should be punished with HUGE deserted buffs, and it should stack, leave once ? 30 minutes, leave twice ? 1 hour, leave 3 times 2 hours, leave 4 times 4 hours and so on, eventually people will be forced to play it, and many will still go afk, reporting someone afk should just get him kicked from the bg imo, and that should apply deserter again, enough reprots ofc like, 4-5 reports
there should be no way to q in groups

should be crossfaction too, probably much easier to handle q times, and people trying to snipe eachother, and if they get matched agaisnt 1 another and 1 griefs, he just get kicked or suspended, and thats it.

To the OP:

We asked for solo shuffle, well, not like that; we asked for SoloQ.
Blizzard did its magic, and they gave us this solo shuffle game mode, which is… useful but toxic in the same way. I feel the hate growing deep in my own when I play it, thats why I just pass by now and then to queue into it as healer. But as you say, what do you do if all your friends are playing Classic or, simply not logging anymore? The game is no longer a village, it’s a place where even your neighbour is annonymus to you and you to him; and solo shuffle tries to fix that problem, poorly and with some even worse consequences.

SS feels like a dota2 for me now.
Its like everyone is toxic , angry and starving to make anyone else feel the same.
40 mins of que just to reach ordinary situation then someone tilted and starting to ruin ur game. Being carried as afk by someone else or fighting like for your life every round and get nothing.
Its not about your personal skills and understanding of the arena but more about of getting lucky with a team every 40 mins and ofc system doesnt let you escape your mmr
cuz you gotta play only like 6-0 every battle to climb.

My team was named: nonakukoroni (anime reference).

Fun times.

That’s about it, the player in the game can just play solo and forgets everything what MMORPGS are about. Making friends and playing together, even if they would add voice comms to the shuffle rounds it doesn’t get better. Now people shifts more to Diablo as it is new and refreshing, then they swap back, some new people find out WoW and arena meantime and they just get ( Welcome to WoW treatment from the player base ) and they quit.

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