Solo world pvp kills should yield way more honor

Comparing this to the bg rewards etc, 16 honor per solo kill is kinda ridiculous. You’d need to get like 500 solo world pvp kills to get 1 honor level. I personally think it should be worth at least 100 honor.

Of course measures would have to be put in place to prevent honor farming abuse (maybe 10 kills per player per day, honor back to 16 if more than one person damaged the enemy).

I think this would be very healthy for the game and would discourage mass zergs for pvp quests.


Maybe if honor per kill was increased, it could make the honor system more interesting.

I don’t really like BfA honor system. If honor level goes up one, it feels kinda meaningless to me. In Legion it was fun to grind up to Prestige 25… it felt… prestigious! But with that removed, just racking up a big number is less fun, in my opinion. Shoulda just increased Prestige to 30 in BfA.


I agree,one big issue with warmode is that there’s no incentive to not run 40 vs 1 really

You should be rewarded for being 5 at most,and then rewarded more for being even less

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Have to agree with this one.

Farming Honor and achievement progress in a raid group just feels dirty and wrong.

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2 things

  1. for alliance doing the quest to get the welfare 370 for underrepresented faction: it shouldn’t be doable in raid setting.

  2. kills in open world should reward 100 honor, split between all members that participated in the kill.

Give incentives for small scale pvp, while finding ways to prevent/punish raids doing wpvp, that’s how to save wpvp.
In addition (yes it’s lame, but it would buff participation both in activating warmode and in actually trying to go for fights): after getting killed by a member of the enemy faction, you can activate a badge of dishonner from the spirit: (either free, or gold cost, or costing honor points) -> disables warmode for 10 minutes (still in WM shard, but cannot be targeted by enemies and cannot target them yourself, + gives you a little white flag like the honor pendants but a white flag that you can’t remove instead, to let all see your shame)

This way, a lot more people out in the world, seeing an enemy doing a WQ nearby, instead of ignoring them because no real reward AND if the guy is better than them, they don’t want to open hostilities and end up potentially getting camped for a long time, will actually think “hey, potential for 100 honor, and at worse if he ends up rolling me over and over and spawn camping me, I’ll take the dishonor and finish my quests during the 10min safe time, while the dude /laughs and /flexes at the very obvious white flag I’m bearing”

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I think it’s quite balanced, the rewarded honor for solo-kills or being in a raid group. I did several raids on Dazar’Alor, with many kills, but only 1 honor point. Getting 1000 kills in Zuldazar was one of my latest achievements I got, though. In my experience, it’s faster to get the achievements when doing solo-world-pvp.

I think wpvp is only for achievements, if you really want to push your honor level, you should go rnd BGs.

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