the only people defending a system thats clearly broken are people abusing it.
premades defend premades.
game was always unfair, but it should stay unfair TO EVERYONE not to people who do not premade vs literal unwinnable matchups, classes have often weaknesses, premades have not
most of u will either come eat your own words, or make up excuses when this will be a CLEAR problem, like the one we see in normal bg
kill it now before it grows i say
Just because PVP has always been unfair, doesn’t justify it being unfair. Some games are simply unwinnable due to the group matchups. If 2 groups are of equal competence but one is full of borderline immortals and the other is full of the weaker specs then there’s usually only one outcome.
Can’t get my head around players with the mindset of “Meh, it’s always been unfair so let’s keep it that way” No wonder the game is such a farce these days.
This happens very often on high mmr regardless of duos or not. A random dk from my team prepared opponents in a similar way for me and expected me to use my knockback, which I did. At other times I was anticapping a base and someone gave me a cc and started capping, he couldn’t re-CC me because he was capping, his teammate waited around a bit and ccd me again and their cap went through. They weren’t duos.
Experienced players notice situations like this and can spontaneously adapt and do the right thing.
The reality of duos in blitz is that they are hardly noticeable compared to solo players, but the people who get to play with their friends in a rated bg without building a team are grateful.
I met a duo consisting of a priest healer and a boomie from my Russian RBG guild yesterday and met them in two rounds. I wouldn’t have noticed they belong together if I didn’t know them personally.
You faced us twice too yesterday and neither of these rounds was one-sided.
I also don’t agree with “unwinnable matchups because of meta specs.” I won plenty of games where the opponents had all the advantages in terms of meta specs and we just won on objectives, and also the other way around.
I think the problem is, that it first builds team 1 and then builds team 2, instead of building and balancing both teams simultaneously. This is also the reason why sometimes you have 1800 vs. 2.1k or anything like that - although you could split people up to have a more even MMR
No way that I am aware to guarantee you land on the same team but unless people can give an satisfactory explanation as to why so many declines are instant, when there is no decline option even available then I can only assume that people are using some form of addon to decline games.
I’ve been gaming long enough to know how shady many gamers actually are, and I know the WoW community well enough to know that there are vast amounts of them that will try anything possible to gain an advantage, like the queue syncers.
Perhaps they are taking the chance that they get enough of their mates in one game, people throwing games via the opposition is nothing new in the game.
We’ve all won games that looked impossible to win on paper, it doesn’t change the fact that some games are simply unwinnable, whether you choose to accept that or not.