I could ramble about all the unfairness I’ve come across through my push, all the DHs zoomie on me 24/7 killing me with defensives up + heals, not to mention facing 4 lolrets in bubble+wings tunnelling me or the ammount of eles consistently bursting our teammates as if nothing whilst having to deal with their grounding totems and defensive capabilities, or the cheeky rdruids that can cyclone/beam/root and ninja cap bases… I could go on for ever.
But if your experience as an individual have learnt the lessons in dealing with pressure with so many battlegrounds played under your belt, you can overcome them if you have the clear mindset.
Sometimes it’s all about working with what you’ve got and simply not giving up. And if your teammates intentionally throw the game, in time they will be placed in their level whilst others will continue to push.
PvP has always been unfair, but it doesn’t mean anything at all, that you lose due to poor matchmaking so what? Just go again.
This evening I played some matches, lost 3 in a row and won a couple after. The point I’m making is that, because you lose a teamfight, or your facing a strong opponent or there’s a imbalance in the enemy team, should not be a discouragement, infact the harder the game the better, because you aclimate to the condition, you learn to deal with it, if you can’t keep your cool because enemy has 3-4 dhs or what ever, ofcourse you going to break, PvP isn’t ment to be easy, and the only way to deal with adversity is precisely assess the scenario, learn about their intentions, supporting your team as a whole and work together accordingly and not just for the fact of doing objectives, if people can learn to read the fights you can achieve greatness.
Even I get tilted, and had to deal with toxicity, ints, and all kind of rousing but I know how to maintain focus, and I look hard challenges with an open mind.
I managed to hit 2.1 during the 1st week simply by understanding my team necessity and having a positive outlook, I climbed MMR exponentially quick and even learned a few tricks on the way, now I am 2315 hardstuck on a 2nd Hell-MMR full of elitists, some arrogant but also some with a Get the job done attitude rather than chatting unnecesary stuff through the match, even had the privilege to play alongside some notable players and from them is how I learn and ‘git gud’ from.
Hope this helps to the people who may consider blitz battleground a mediocre attempt from blizzard to encourage even more to test their mettle and improve as individuals in order to get better at the match.
Thanks for attending my TED talks.
Kind regards