Soloque or quitting when sub ends

Threatening a multi billion dollar company that they will loose 13e per month doesnt work mate.
It never did actually :rofl:

You have to nitpick when designing a system that will affect millions of people and may damage a multibillion ecosystem.
It seems that when your theories get scrutinized they fall appart very fast, thats why you have to make endless soloq threads, this is you second one this week if i’m not mistaking, right?

So i dungeon finder!
When was the last time you formed a normal/heroic dungeon group by conventional means and you actually went to the dungeon and not teleported there?
“It’s just an option” is a stupid argument to put it mildly.

Well, the proof is in the pudding.
I’m also not taking your word for it when you’re saying that soloq will fix the current issues regarding pvp. Easy. bye

PS: Can i have your gold pls? It’s the third time i asked, don’t ignore me, i’m poor.

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Ok so responds to your wrong arguments,
1: If there was a soloque its unlikely the que would be that long for dps, in 3 v 3 pvp there are a lot of healers cause its way more fun to heal than pve, and again you still need twice as many dps
2: We would still gain gear based on rating, and the people you were facing would be about same rating as you and have around the same gear, which would make it much more balanced than now, but even so, yes i prefered the template system in legion because it made the game very alt friendly, i play liked 10 chars in pvp in legion, you could start playing right after you levelled in late legion because gear had almost no impact in pvp.
3: On my mains after pushing semi high rating people wont afk, because they care about their rating and dont wanna just throw it away, and also you can just make it like the dungeon finder where people have to accept grp so no one is afk.

regarding your thing about pservers soloque, which pserver? - i dont trust you at all since all your arguments made no sense and was easily countered, and even so im not even sure if pservers are legal so i prefer not to go try out the soloque there.

Oh and also i forgot to say, i cant say for sure if soloque will be awesome, im just saying that the system we have now sucks really hard, it can hardly be worse than that, and if you still wanna use the old system your free to do that.

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I havent made any threads at all. So yeah you are mistaken.

This is comparing apples to oranges. Normal and Heroic dungeons are easy as f. There is no reason at all to make a premade group. Solo queue and standard arena would be two different kind of beasts.

A dude name Holinka, maybe you heard of him, stated 5-6 years ago that they were looking into soloq but the main issue is long queues for dps.
Source: Legion Q&A with Holinka.

You haven’t countered any of them!
I told you that there are multiple pvp pservers with soloq and the experience is trash.
Soloq will be filled with "Testers and Memers. GL trying to play with them. Memeq

Sorry, i mistook you for the other pally.

If this is comparing apples to oranges then i’m out. Peace bro, go have your memeq and i’ll have my popcorn.
Cya back here in 3 days after memeq is launched to see you cry and whimper about how bad it actually is.

Just like dude Venruki, when he was crying that templates are bad and we need pvp vendors and now he cries that he is getting outgeared and templates was better.

A competitive game with a similar queue time as WoW would be considered as dead…

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You do see a difference between premade normal/heroic dungeons and premade arena right?

Nah i really hate complaining. If i dont like it ill just avoid it. If i kinda like it but see room for improvement i may come with suggestions.

I don’t have any queues.

Typical vanilla boomer who hates evrything and everyone that have different opinion. Arena is played by same 10k people for 10 years something have to change because pvp is meme atm. I would like wod gearing instead of soloQ if i could pick only one still i think soloQ can be benficial for the game and will brings many players into pvp. But why im even trying to argue with you idk…

I cant imagine how mad you have to be because tbc level boost and store mount.

Queue times rarely got anything to do with the amount of players. It most often has to do with an unbalance of some kind. Either horde vs alliance, tank/healers vs dps etc.

Just wait for New World game i think amazon will delete wow… they have good guns for it :slight_smile:

When your deluded idees get debunked by reason and logic you resort to personal attacks, actions that an insane or troubled person would do, i recommend you check yourself.

Soloq queue times:
-WoW dev states that queue will be a problem
your counter - argument?
-trust me bruh

Soloq is trash experience
-soloq is/was implement numerous times (on pservers yes) resulting in a mediocre at best experience and it failed misserably.
Your counter - argument?
-trust me bruh.

WoW has a declining player base.
Blizz states that WoW playerbase has declined by 40% since the launch of SL, maybe the game is just bad, maybe this has an impact on pvp aswell.
Your counter-argument?
Game good, LFG bad, need soloq, ZUGZUG, trust me bruh

Think solo q won’t come in 9.1. Al their work at raid and TBC preparation. If they have srs plans on it(but actually they don’t) they will say it. They only said that question about yolo q is open. So they wait how many players will quit cuz PvP tho.

They actually did have plans for it. They said NO.

They are waiting how many players will quit this game. Already 50%. I think when peak goes to 75% they will start to do something. If ofc TBC fails.

Lol you are funny my argument is trust me bruh? We never argue about holinkas interview. If you really believe their marketing crap lies not sure what to say…long que times for dps hahahha i mean people trying to find group for 4 hours i think soloQ will be better in that aspect.

Same story your made up statements. Multiple people said it worked fine on private servers so who is right? I dont know i never played sloQ on private server but private servers have so little population and resources its very stupid to even bring this argument. Gw2 working fine

Now you really show yourself little buddy. I never said game is good also i said multiple times that i would like wod gearing more then soloQ…i agree that lfg is bad and said that so nice work you made sense atleast once.

If i wanted to be a believer i would have made myself a priest, however i do have to place my trust somewhere? And where should it be? An actual wow dev that works on the project or Latexfear - the beholder of absolute truth?

i think =/= trust me bru?
You see now? all your arguments are trust me bruh.

Ok, so you didn’t actually play but you still have an objective, unbiased opinion about a system that you have never tried out. Also you disregard the opinions of those who tried it and didn’t like it, but accept the opinion of those who liked it. Hmm… HMMMMM???

GW2 does not have arenas ok? its not a deathmatch system. Its more like RBG. Sure, have soloq for RBG all day.

Meanwhile you waiting, avarege wow playing time went up. For some it’s great news:d

Have you heard of a thing called proof of concept?
If you trow a brick out of a window and it falls to the ground, you don’t proceed builing an airplane out of bricks because we need to see it in full size.

You also did not have any proof soloQ will wont work in wow. So how its different ?