Soloque or quitting when sub ends

Allright so i wanted to play some 3 v 3 unfortuneally the time was not 18-22 so the odds off finding people to play with at 2.2 cr was about 1 in a million, so after looking for a little time i just gave up and went to play another game which has soloque and thusly can be played at night. Im not happy with paying for a game which i can almost never play, i wanna play arenas & rbgs, thats the content i enjoy, but finding people is impossible, so when my sub runs out im probs gonna quit the game, altho im not sure its the right way to put it since even when you “play” the game your not really playing it, your just sitting in lfg. Im assuming blizzard will do nothing to solve this problem, since its a tradition, so i guess im out of here soon, its a shame cause i really like the gameplay, any new cool MMORPGS around you guys know about?


Can you mentally handle it if you drop below 2K in soloq if things just happen to happen?

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What the point of getting Rating if we can’t play the game ?

Can i have your gold?


You cannot trade gold between Classic and Retail…

I also went to the shop but it was closed so i moved to another country…oh wait, no, i went back when it was open.

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you know WoW is not a shop right?

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i was referencing a thing called “schedule” but it seems thats too much for you to grasp.
People have lives, things to do and probaly not many of them are online and in a mood to play arena at 3AM.
Maybe come back at a later date at better hours?
Stop behaving like a 6y/o child.


There are multiple reasons why we cant play the game. I can handle if I lose rating if they ever implement soloq. Can you?

Easy, because it gonna reveal the truth of yourself.
If i am bad, good new that mean i got thing to learn or missing and i gonan have to be aware of it
If my rating goes upper, that good new because i can play the game, and meet my difficulty.

The worst thing that can happen is not being able to play a game.
You don’t have to fear to drop rating, if you are that good rating will not go down.

Was glad to see you mister paladin, best regards :frowning:

But you are never going to be that good with current class design that you are going to win every game. So I take it that you can handle the loss when it happends.

Why not join a guild/server where people play at the times you’re seeking PvP? Throwing toys out of the pram just because you can’t find people isn’t the best look.

Im aware of that, but even at 8 pm the odds of me finding a grp is pretty small unless im willing to sit in LFG for an hour, which i am not anymore, if there was solo que there would probably be some people playing at night to, in all other games with soloque you can play at all times, which i dont think is to much to ask for from a billion dollar company and one of the worlds most popular games.

If you’re aware of it, why haven’t you done it? Genuinely not trying to sh1tpost, but I myself had a similar situation until I joined an active PvP server, and made friendly with people who are up for arenas, setting times a few times per week in order for us to play that rated content.

Don’t skirms/normal BGs exist for the sorta jump in PvP you’re after?

1st of all this is false
2nd of all, you could play arena at any time back in wotlk, cata, mop. I can still remember 4 AM arena matches. The problem is low player base more than anything. Blizz should focus on making the game actually good again more than anything.

Soloq won’t fix everything, you might get to play 2-3 games in an hour as a dps. What then? are you going to cry again?
What about gear diff? how are you gonna fix that? You want templates again?
What about AFK`ers? wait 10 min q and then the healer is sleeping.
etc, etc…

EDIT: pservers had/have it after their forums where spammed for soloq and guess what? take a wild guess…
ITS GARBAGE. Go try it out, the proof is right there, no theorycrafting, no wishfull thinking, just go and play soloq and see for yourself.


case in point, i should be getting the gold then!!!

What does gear difference have to do with solo queue? How is it any different from the current arena?

Just set it up like the dungeon finder, that you have to accept the match before you enter. If the other guy doesnt accept you move in front of the queue.

Yeah im not gonna take your word for it and im not gonna try out a cheap copy of intellectual proterty.

Currently you choose who you play with. You have the possibility not to group up with a 200 ilvl player by choice. Whether it’s a good decision or not depends on the situation but in the end you have a choice.

In solo queue you do not.

Thats just nitpicking tbh. Youre gonna play with people the same rating as yourself. So if they have worse gear they have better skill.

Solo queue is also a choice. So if you have some weird deep seated psychological issues playing with lower geared players you can choose not to.

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