Soloqueue and party 3v3 need to be merged into one ladder

You can’t have the playerbase split like it currently is. The 3v3 bracket is completely dead until the evenings, and not just on high ratings. That is unacceptable for what should be the main PVP bracket.

We need to remove Soloshuffle and add separate 3v3 Solo and Party visible CR for each spec. Both would queue you into same player pool, but because Solo would be with matchmaking generated teams, you end up with a lower rating compared to say your “main coordinated team”. This makes it fair because even if you faced a premade 3 man team, they would be lower than what you normally face when you queue with a premade team yourself.

This would fix 6 round format problems:

  • queue times
  • different gameplay in shuffle that favorizes classes with immunities that most classes can’t go through until damp ramps up. Do you buff or nerf a class that’s OP in shuffle but not that good in regular 3v3?
  • bad healer gameplay in soloshuffle due to high damp. It’s disgraceful how the healer role is completely taken out of the game after a few minutes.
  • lower healer rating because healers have separate MMR pool in soloshufflle due to 6 round format.
  • wintrading. Since queue times are lower you can now punish queue declining. If you miss the queue you are responsible and get a -CR and -MMR. Rest of the players keep their rating.
  • griefing in later rounds, which I’m sure everyone experienced. People stop playing after they lose first rounds. Hope you weren’t the unlucky one that gets to play with the griefers last rounds. Or maybe even slightly demotivated. A player that’s 0-5 doesn’t care that much what happens in the last round, so he gives minimum effort.
  • weak link. Later rounds people figure out who dies easiest (due to skill, gear or whatever reason), but in the early rounds there’s a chance you can lose to the weak link until people discover him.
  • RNG. Yes, 6 round format is actually WORSE RNG compared to 6 1-round games. This is mainly because the map never changes. Warrior having to face casters on Tol’viron is way different than facing casters on Ruins/Hook Point.

Would also provide:

  • self sustained PVP. You no longer would need to do manual inflation every time the game is dead because whatever other game came out and took the playerbase.
  • 3v3 rewards (Gladiator) become accessible for solo players too. If a player can achieve high enough Solo rating to quality for Gladiator, even when playing against premade teams, then he deserves the mount. Why gatekeep it behind having to wait for hours in LFG just to queue a few games, instead of just playing the game.
  • queues at any time of day for 3v3

You know what’s gonna happen. They’ll drop glad mount into solo modes and 3v3 will die just like 2s did, instead. Can’t wait.


So teams on discord will meet teams that are not? I would stop solo shuffle immediately if that happens.


If your Solo MMR is the same as their Party MMR, what does it matter if they’re on voice?

Plus you all are just playing fury or ele or whatever else is the most broken and easy to play, so why would you be concerned with coordination.


Nothing stopping people to add others and also do that

This after all the point to play a mmo is to make friend and play with people not speaking to nobody as play alone, otherwise play a solo game.


if you have a unified flex queue, which I support, then you need a unified mmr.

You see solo queue actually damaged the whole game. It’s not inviting as it’s wholly very generic product now as the systems have been changed into offering the same game experience you get by playing any other FPS, ARPG game in the market. So what happened, the quality of the game reduced into cinders. Some players are demanding the most social aspect all the time to be removed from the game, voice chat. I mean what do you guys fear about being socially interactive? This is one of the biggest questions i have for gamers calling out that voice chat should be completely taken away from the game. No, heck no. It’s a very important tool in this game, part of the MMORPG experience. Any gamemodes that are based into solo activities will massively hurt WoW as a game and generally, also players too.

I made my friends through this game. It’s a highly important not to have Solo queues in WoW.

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Never going to happen. Without solo queue, you would be left with other 15 people playing into each other.


Ok, fair enough. What is your take into having Voice chat then?

Funny part is there’s a voice chat feature in-game but no one dares to use it lol

Understandable tho. Imagine getting talked down to by the entire shuffle lobby in vc for being the weak link xD

It would be insane content wise tho

I have nothing against voice chat, there is voice chat built in game, there is Discord, and perhaps many other options.

I have no issue with this whatsoever, I am happy for everyone to decide which of these tools will or will not be used.

All I am saying is the solo queue, helped by degree of automation meaning players don’t need to manually apply for groups and network, is too much convenient and accessible. That is why it is the most played bracket, and unlikely to be removed from my perspective on business viability.

I can imagine that discussion defence from Blizz to any such protest would likely be that there are other brackets for people who don’t fancy solo rated queues. I am happy for other brackets existing as well.

Idk, actually the people that refuse to play on voice are the one that rage and quit.

But if people are willing to, there is little chance they will be mad or they will just leave and that’s it.

People. I don’t want to interact with shuffle players.

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Group content should always been the main focus on end game in mmo, anything that can be qued solo should be like entry level content like looking for raid. They cant even rework rated system to work with all these separate modes spreading playerbase thin, its pathetic really how much they can just nonsensically do dmg on the game and do nothing to fix it.

I dont even care if pugs face teams in mode that mixes soloq and all arenas together, the end game goal should be play as team anyway. Ppl are missing that if everyone contribute on same mode its better on bigger picture if blizzard is not going to rework or do anything on the rated system that wow has right now. Mode that mixes up everyone either playing team or solo, would always be better than scattering ppl in various different modes on a rated system what wow has.

If ppl que solo into design like this the next time they have good game with someone nothing stops them from just asking the dude if they want to play more with them, thats the whole point of mmo anyway. Somebody who never wanna talk to another person or only wishes to play alone is better off in some single player game or just keep on queing solo then and accept that occasionally some team comes and coordinately plays better over his pug comp of random classes, thats the price they would then pay or who knows maybe they happen to have some zug comp and win anyway, thats also possibility.

We want accessibility for all and something to start from so we want combine soloq into arenas, thats what ppl always asked with it anyway and not this abomination of shuffle thats separated from arenas.

And what if i play php or rmp that completely depends on how we launch our CC together?
The problem is deeper, developers didn’t bring in soloq for nothing. Game lost its popularity, today you won’t find people to play 3s easuly because there are few new players and old ones prefer to play with each other. Have you ever tried to find a teammate in lfg below 2100 and set up communication to play above on a regular? How much time will it take?

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How you play it in shuffel ?

? That will not motivate healer too Q if they get eaven lower raiting?

Or do i get that one wrong?

x Time too get the glad mount in shuffle in a different color
x Increase the MMr from healer by factor x soo you got a better time climping then DPs
Because F Dps there alrdy enaugh and its simpler too get raiting then healer
x balance healer min every second week based on shuffle

You interact with them in work anyway? So what’s the problem?