An hpal might as well trade parry with BoP
An hpal might as well trade parry with BoP
Yeah because they have the same cooldown obviously.
That is true but fair because,
WW/MW only has around 600-800 armor, and hpal probably has around 3000 armor
So what ? Several melees have their main attacks ignoring armor anyway. And also sometimes it is their ally that is being attacked, not the Monk or the Paladin.
If you ever played mw vs arms in shadowlands you would see why it would be unfair without disarm
he could just stormbolt, kyrian me and im dead in 2 sec
the soloqueue is the defusal of meta, the ‘‘dampening’’ of s-tier combinations, the end of forcing a nameworthy percentage of the playerbase to quit every season, simply because their not on the tierlist and dont have IRL friends to play their trash spec with, they get declined in LFG and fantasize about playing world of warcraft
You would think that blizzard care but one of five might aswell buy a character boost instead of canceling their subscription so why create a modern mmr based system that lets anyone play the game, a broke game automatically creates a ‘‘cashflow’’
The disarm could be melee instead of ranged then, which is what the other person argued for. It was never about removing it entirely. You need to read threads you answer to before answering.
you might as well make a new thread to flame mistweaver
Queue that is solo
First for rated BGs. A complete no-brainer.
Then for 2s. Still very easy and uncontroversial.
Then maybe for 3s. The only part where there might be issues.
PS: Nothing will happen, of course.
We already have the solo queue for raid finder, so i dont think it would be that hard for them to implement it for pvp aswell. I do think it would draw more people towards pvp.
All I want is to login and put myself in a queue and play. No more LFG meta or 2K xp requirements.
While I’m not a fan of solo queue let me explain:
You can’t do anything (anything meaningful) while in Group Finder Group. This creates this feeling that you pay for game time and lose a lot of it waiting in Oribos. Some people downloaded Weak Aura counting laps in Oribos.
It encourages players to play form. Overall tier list is known so everyone picks only the best meta specs. If you playing something that is viable but not that popular then good luck.
You are judged with achievment and not with gameplay. I don’t have to mention Wrath 2400+ players from RP battlegroups who play like 1600 guys. WoW 10 years ago was a different game.
So if not solo queue then what? I said it already. Let’s start with bringing back old skirmishes and let’s increase honor/conquest gain so people can cap in skirmishes. Make separate 2v2 and 3v3 brackets and bring back healers. Since it unranked nobody will be upset losing because of random partners. If you’d like playing with someone add him and play. It will be good training ground (even for healers in 2s) and a place where newbies can check if they like arenas. Ranked sounds serious and scares players. Also I don’t know If you have it. Your friends are offline and you want to practice your spec but you don’t want to lose CR with lfg. You are forced to create 2nd char of the same class then. Oldschool skirms could help.