
Introduce solo queue for 2s,3s and RBG in 9.1.5 please.

However, I think this should be gated by a minimum item lvl requirement such as full honor gear.

Also, maybe give us the option specify if you’d like a healer in your group or not in 2s. This will stop some classes like MM from getting smashed by the meta every game.


Hah you think they will do anything in 9.1.5


Would be nice :disappointed: they’ve lost so many people and important people such as streamers.

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Test with rated bgs.
Lock it with 3 melee, 3 ranged, 3 heals, 1 tank.
Actually balance tanks so it’s not only bears/demon hunters.
Call it a day.


They already have, it´s called random bgs.

But “random” unlike “rated” dont have any incentive or purpose to play at all.

itt. i think soloq RBG’s could actually work, although the group finder would have to be improved thats for sure. Equal amount of healers, tank for FC maps, class stacking etc. these things would have to be implemented but honestly they arent that hard to do, in fact there were similar systems working in random bgs before or they still are, so i dont see why would PvP team be scared of trying this out.

However when it comes to arena, i dont think soloq would work at all. Just too many factors why it would be a failure. Best thing in regards to arena would probably be some LFG improvements imo.

Also, i think the reason why they are scared of trying the SoloQ idea is that i think they dont want to spend more resources on PvP. Just imagine, even soloq RBGs, first you would have to make proper systems like stated above, then class balance since not every class that is great in arena is also great in BG’s, and there’s also map factor, some maps just arent really competetive, in fact i’d say whole 10v10 setup isnt really competetive especially for a soloq gameplay since as a 1 player out of 10 there’s really not much of your contribution for the win, in short, ur skill and “carry” factor wouldnt be that impactful and some people would probably find that as an issue to complain on forums (lol). So the BG setup would have to be changed into something more like 6v6 or 8v8 and thats another problem cuz u have to make new maps made for this setup.
Lots of things to do to make this work, and even more things that would need constant updates and improvements later on, this is why they are kinda afraid of trying this idea imo. but if made correctly it could work.


if solo q stay soloq it could work but if you can join as premade it would be dogsh*t


WRONG, they’re adding solo que! for island expeditions of course, the true endgame


Ah they have been working on BfA the entire time, that would explain why Shadowlands hasn’t made it out of Alpha yet


So they’ve been working on BFA and customisation options for vulperas or something. Nice 9.1.5 we’re getting there I can’t wait!!!

Yes pls add a soloqueue bracket so i can force player to play with my mistweaver


Here u go boiz and girlz yolo q that u deserve . Kekw :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


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What do you call when a random group of people join a bg? A random bg.
What do you call when a specific group of people group up with a certain comp to maximize their potential to achieve a rating goal? A rated bg.

See where i´m going with this? or is this nonsensical soloqueue crap gonna continue?

you can have rated with random player

you see it in league, battlerite and cod

with mmr it works

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They’ve already lost so many PvP streamers because they had nobody to play with at their rating. They’ve been begging for solo queue.

Surely Blizzard can’t be this arrogant.

We get soloqueue next patch, soloqueue for island expedition . they finally listened to the community

It has been mentioned many times on forums and by PVP streamers and it’s a great idea.

Solo Queue will have their own ladder, so they aren’t mixed with regular 2v2, 3v3 and Rbg’s.

People will be paired with other people around the same MMR, could be +/- 100.

Give an option to filter what class/spec you want to pair up with, you can also queue with no filter for random and odd compositions of course. This is a must, as you can’t have it be random. You could be unlucky landing with odd composition 5 times in a row while facing a meta composition 5 times in a row.

You can’t get within a game with the same player 2 times in a row, people could abuse this especially at higher ranking, with a lot fewer players, filtering to 1x composition only, and ending up in the same game time after time, due to limited amount of players at that MMR and with that filter.

This is perfect and what rated PVP needs. You have 3x players, which has a regular 3v3 team, they are sitting at 1800 +, climbing for 2100 on their scheduled play days. On the off days, these people can individually climb on Solo Queue and practice without dropping rating on their teammates in the regular 3v3 bracket.

Lot’s of new players, and PVE players won’t even try rated PVP, because they feel the LFG tool is too intimate, while not being so experienced yet. Solo Queue would open up rated PVP for these people.

Some may say that the PVP player base is already too small to incorporate a Solo Queue system besides the regular system, but I’m sure this over time will create a bigger PVP playerbase, as solo queue is easy to get into. Afterwards it will grow onto a lot of new PVP players, which want’s to play with a specific partner or team.

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AHAHAHAHHAH This made my day. L0000L