Seems like there are two sets of WM expectations… those that want equality, and those that want random carnage.
The closest we have to equality, is the RP WM shards. The normal WM shards are random carnage.
Had an idea…
Give players the choice between easy or normal WM.
Easy/normal is already in the game, but not easily switched on/off… RP and normal realms are separate types of WM shard, easier and harder. At the moment you have to realm transfer to turn easy/normal on/off, or join a cross realm group on the other shard type to switch easy/normal.
RP realm WM shards have generally lower WM activity. Normal realm WM shards generally have more activity. Can RP shard envirionment be reproduced for an easy mode on normal shards? For easy mode WM shards, Blizz could limit the number of players by 50% or whatever, simulating the easiness of RP realm WM shards. Also, faction balance in easy mode subzones can be forced with extra phasing. Importantly, grouping with players not on your WM shard would be disabled in easy mode, reducing the issue of gank groups. Disable raids in easy mode as well.
I’ve played on both types of WM shard, and for sure RP ones are generally easy. You could put an option on the WM opt in, easy or normal mode. With WM bonus removed for choosing normal mode, eliminating PvEers from this mode.
There are always gonna be pros and cons to any idea. A problem would be added complication in the wow interface, easyness not guaranteed, and ensuring enough players in each WM shards type.