Solution to faction imbalance

I subscribe to it


It ain’t weekend.



This time our retributton forum warrior overcome himself. :rofl:

Can we stop using this word please …

No thank you. Zandalar looks much better than Kul’Tiras.

Besides you already have Natural skin for the Void elves and Wildhammer dwarves. I think the factions will fix by the time Shadowlands arrive because the customizations look very cool for the Night elf, Void elf, Dwarves, and Humans.

Those customization will not cause an astronomical amount of Hordies go Alliance to balance the factions and potentially risk being stuck with a pretty much non existent playerbase. At best you would have a couple hordes roll an alliance alt only to abandon it again.


Retributor, why couldn’t you make a formal post to help your case and be taken seriously by others?
Alliance needs help not meme imbalance and more vulpera/belfs hate.

Honestly feels like you don’t care enough for the Alliance to make an effort and help our case :confused:


1/10… weekend thread on a Tuesday.

Indeed. Need urgent radical solutions


That… was amazing. I had to watch it many times.

And then found a long meme video to that song.

Love such dank meme !

Not to bark at this, but Alliance Racials, aren’t they already better than the Horde? at least the Allied Races, no? I am wrong? pretty sure Void Elfs for example and other stuff have some nice PVP ones compare to the Horde.

Poor dogee :confused:

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Yes better by, 5%. (that’s 0,5% on static target dummies). Not enough to switch methods, limits and other hardcore streamers and their :sheep: :boot:


Yay I get to main :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:Vulpera :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: in this scenario.

Or maybe Undead…:thinking:

No way. What has Horde players done to deserve something like that?


Is it weekend already ?

Bit bizarre, they’re already stronger.

How do you see that working exactly?

So let me get this straight, I mean, we’ll gloss over the fact that you hate Blood Elves with a bizarre passion, but how would that work, a Mandatory race change for all Elves in the Horde to Orc, Tauren, Troll or Undead, but at the same time, Elves go to the Alliance, and go Neutral? You know those two things are mutually exclusive, don’t you? Your own suggestions don’t even make sense.

Reverse the changes, so Horde Racials are buffed by 50%, and Alliance ones are nerfed by 50%? So the same as we are now, how does that work?

For a start, I’m just saying with the furries comment coughs “Worgen”

And that is what you think the Horde is, just ‘Ugly’ races? You…really don’t understand what the Faction’s are, do you?

And people wonder why it is hard to take Human Male Paladin posters seriously

Quite, but please, we don’t want him!

Quite tragic really, they’re the best recruiting officer the Horde could have! He makes me feel ashamed whenever I log my Alliance toons.

Bizarre, it is like watching a car crash in slow motion. That is all the Alliance is to you? Pretty races? That is all the Alliance is? Not it’s morals or ideals, but what they look like? That is -weird- So what precisely is it about Macrocephalic people the size of children that you find pretty? Or bipedal dogs? Blue Aliens with horns and hooves and tails? Because those are pretty niche tastes, I mean I’m not kink shaming, I’m just wondering what it is that makes them ‘pretty’ to you, there must be something, can you share with the class?

Well maybe if the Kaldorei hadn’t attacked and driven them into the Horde…

You’re not exactly in a position to make sexual innuendo’s with a ridiculous guild name like that…

Level 20 Allied Race poster? Yeah. Sure, Your input has been weighed and found wanting.

Quoted for truth, as I say, this guy is a brilliant recruiter for the Horde, we should give him a medal or something.

Agreed. Just not Yours.

Ohhhhh! that’s it, you’re going by Streamers and what they tell you to think! Oh, it makes sense now. Well if you want to play the game the way other people tell you, then that isn’t going to change anything is it? You’ll always shift every way the wind blows.

Yeah, please keep him, he is doing such a good job of feeding the Horde player base.


Hidden by being Flagged before I even got a chance to read it.

Hiding your profile Cluck Cluck Cluck.