Solution to faction imbalance

Yep. Victim of blood elf trolls. :face_vomiting:

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Poster child for why people choose not to play his faction.


Targets element of the player base: Wonders why that element gets miffed with him?

Yeah, makes sense.

I mean this is comedy gold even by their standards!

As I say, the Horde should honour this hero who does so much to drive people into the Horde. Iā€™m thinking a really small statue in Grommash Hold or something.

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In the bathroom at the bottom of the longdrop.

We need ā€œaimsā€ in game :rofl:


If only heā€™d stick to his beloved reddit. But no, he has to ruin things for us here :disappointed_relieved:

Doesnā€™t quite ruin it that badly (for me at least) yet, but making a mockery of my alliance main is bad enough. Iā€™d offer to pay for a race change for him, but itā€™s not like dwarfs or draenei deserve to be dragged into the sewers by him either.

Iā€™m just gonna put this here:

Shows the real bias i guess :woman_shrugging:t3: If you are so worried about alliance, then start maining alliance yourself. Not just meme one on the forum.


You guys surely donā€™t want to read this but he has a point with the belf-remark. Just look through this topic alone, 50% of the replies come from female belf-characters.


Thatā€™s not a fix, that will turn 100% of the game alliance. :rofl:

no it will not. it will turn the casuals back to alliance since there wont be barbies there(on horde). and let the more serious pvers with superior racials be horde.

Yes to all of this :joy:

Itā€™s long past the point where people quietly mock you. Itā€™s more pity and head scratching atm.


To make alliance racials 100% better for alliance?

50% buff to alliance
50% nerf to horde?

Also maybe let people play what they want such a enforced hand is very out of order and also goes against what theyā€™re trying to do in shadowlands

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AND AFTER FACTION % IS 50/50 REVERT CHANGES. read topic please

I unironically support this 100%

We keep the sexy drug addicts just so we can have something that can roll DH

Blizz therefore needs to allow nightborne to be dhs

Have you seen yourself in the mirror?


Barbie casual reporting!

Well the blood elf DH can stay i guess idk. something must be done in any case. like belf dh only available for horde?

All elves are addicted.

Thanks for the ā€œsexyā€ compliment though :smirk:

I am terrible at these things. Pray tell what is a sheep boot? :rofl:

Velf barbies, pls. Soon, with enough protesting, they shall look exactly like Belves as well. -That- is how you get Horde to Alliance.

No thanks. As a high and noble elves we better chill with people who are more tolerant to our magic, than being with the envious tree hugging hippies.

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