Solution to faction imbalance

???/ what reason exists for a horde barbie to switch to lvl 1 new alt blueberry barbie and level to max level and gearup/profesion/reps as void elf barbie? are you trolling?

Silly bean, you can pay for a faction change.

??? youā€™re just trolling so not going to answer to you anymore.

Ideally, we can just let vulpera be the only horde DH race. Iā€™m sure Blizz can come up with some lore as to how that happened.

Iā€™m not trolling :slightly_frowning_face: Iā€™m going off this right here.

If they gave Alliance proper ā€œHelvesā€ I would play one. The only reason I wouldnā€™t faction change is the only person I play with is Horde.

itā€™s not JUST apperance. the mandatory change of elves from H>A is one of the pillars of my solution

there needs to be a reverse faction racial (dps) supremacy for 1-10 years - closely monitored by blizzard. enough to reverse the H> A snowball effect. this game needs 2 healthy factions to survive.

I have. but the population doesnt work like that im afraid. it was doing this in WoD that caused the faction imbalance to begin with.

We know the first to go would be mythic raiders.

and we know Sheep Dont seperate they Herd.

Basic human psychologial would prove my theory correct that this would reverse the problem

(Although itā€™d benefit people like me who would like to play alliance)

The true fix. is Player effort, we as Players would wantr to have a 50/50 Split. the problem here is everyone likes being the majority, so even if one doesnt exist. weā€™ll naturally create one to maximise the players we can group with.

being a part of a Majority, is the Path of Least Resistanceā€¦ and i dunno how many times humans have to prove that to youā€¦ but people will make it happen.

if the top 5% go alliance, thje playerbase will create a ā€œpercievedā€ effect of how popular alliance is compared to hordeā€¦ and would herd to the alliance. this would push the marker ever so slightly into ALliance being a Majority. once 100,000 people call upon hordes doom. More will transfer across.

and 2 expansions time we are in the same boat.

they Undid WoDS horde bias, it NEVER stopped the alliance Constantly pouring into the horde.

alliance Racials are already stronger then Hordes. the problem is No one cares. because no ones competing on the alliance.

the true fix is Simply creating a Community and a Social Aspect to rerolling alliance. ALOT of players would swap if they feel like theyā€™re swapping with ALOT of people across and have a Community to come to. the issue is itā€™d take someone to kick start the thing and be persistent with it.

but that is ALOT harder to do compared to just saying the idea.

as itā€™d need to support mythic raiding and more to gain traction from players whoā€™d geninuely stick around.

the problem exists. because everyone wanted it to not happen, but didnt wanna do anything about it. but simply Transfer with the crowds, if u honestly beleive that mentality will change Making another WoD. its ridiculous.

2 expansions time theyā€™;d have to recreate a horde biasā€¦ how long til playerrs call the game a P2W on this basesā€¦ and start getting angryā€¦ how Much can u really interfer with your playerbase before it collasps.

Racials Need Removing from the game.
Aesthetical Choice needs to return
Optional Gameplay needs to return.

but removing Belves from players is ridiculous. that is too heavy handed. your talking about restricting a RPG element from the game and Player choice. you think peoplewill go alliance?

No theyā€™ll quit the game Lmfao.

maybe instead of Dooms saying your faction all day every day Actually try do something positive for it. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

your throwing bad ideas out, because u seem to have no concept of Human Psychology. its Natural for humans to congregate togetherā€¦ being a Majority has Many pros for the players involved in that majority. so humans naturally push for such

Hence why every PvP Server become 100% one side and moreā€¦ its the nature of humansā€¦ its why EVERY modern MMORPG DOESNT have a god damn faction barrier in it anymore. because its been proven time and time again that they DONT WORK.

lol. What?.

your Trying to press the game to reverse and ā€œAlliance to become the ez factionā€ā€¦ you have some idea that people will go to 50% and everyone will stop.

it dont work that way and you seem to not get that.

and it wont kill the game. Itā€™ll kill the alliance. there arent enough who care for their faction anymore enough for to kill the game.

i do care about the game. and would love to see the game return to 50/50 split. but Pushing the alliance to naturally be 100% stronger then the horde. will shift a entire playerbase over Night.

i accept something needs to happen. but you need to accept your idea is Extreme as all hell. and is a completge Pay 2 Win Concept. which would actually kil the game.

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extreme and efficient
pay 2 win ?? what??

If u can pay a RL Cost to transfer faction to gain 100% Power. thats Pay 2 Win Like to shift power like that back and fourth is P2W

as ur constantly charfging ur playerbase to be efficent WoD was bad enough. we dont need that circling permanantly

100% is Litterally WoD but 20x Worse.

the playerbase would swap over Nightā€¦ i assure u. the moment that happened iā€™d be Converting immediatelyā€¦ and i doubt im alone there. 100%ā€¦ talk about one hella a boonā€¦

+15s Would become EZMODE on SL launchā€¦ the RIO Score boosts and moreā€¦ itā€™d be crazy easy. the scaling would be stupid highā€¦ Legion tier 1 raid Relaunched.

honestlyā€¦ i tell u nowā€¦ uā€™d go to bed and Alliance would be 80% Popularity by morning lmfao

i aint saying its bad im just trying to get ui to admit to what ur actually pushing for

i wish :wink: only minmaxers and barbies will switch, the average mythic horde raider guild wont switch. no need to

Poor Doge??? The hooman is throwing BEEF at his dogā€¦ BEEF


they didnt need to swap in WoD either. they wanted to.

Iā€™m not a blood elf but Iā€™m not ugly :sob:

I do wonder whether faction balance would change if Blizzard gave free transfers to Alliance to a guild like Limit. Having one of the world first guilds playing Alliance might help to change perceptions, but it might be a bit dodgy and underhand for Blizzard to do that. And perhaps Limit might not even accept as the biggest reason to play Horde (especially for hardcore content) is the larger player base.

They said they are thinking aboot going Alliance for Castle Nathria, but do we have guarantees they would stick on the Alliance ?

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i think if it was done right. it could work.

If we saw people banding together as a Community and Moving alliance as Communities who play together. the fall back would exist as your litterally going with the players u play withā€¦

itā€™d require a Social Element to defintly be built around it to really fix the problem. blizzard could only really fix it to a Point. it will take the playerbase meeting blizzard half way to really succeed though.

we have the Power to fix the problemā€¦ but the issue isā€¦ Swapping Alliance as a Individual is intimidatingā€¦ but this would require some Serious Communication and Working together from in alot of cases complete strangers and trust between them to say theyā€™re actually going to do this.

this is the major issue :/. going alliance feels like such a Gamble comparitively.

the problem is a 50/50 split is only achievable if the playerbase comitted to building that. otherwise its just a Majority being thrown side to side every now and then.


There there now, an eagle could never be insulted by a mouse.

As for threadā€¦hereā€™s a rather radical idea;
If all the people whining about having to play Horde and would much rather play Alliance, drop their sorry aiss excuses and actually move to the Allianceā€¦bam!
I think thereā€™s atleast one big step towards a solution in equalizing the playerbase and giving more raiders to these ooh so very important 1% Raiding guild scenes.
Another step would be for Blizzard to make the Faction Change service going from Horde ā†’ Alliance free for a limited time.

I think thatā€™d be a decent start atleast.


Yes, no matter how much an individual may want to play Alliance, they wonā€™t swap of they have no one to play with. My guild, most of my friends and my husband all play horde so thereā€™s no way Iā€™m moving to Alliance, even if Iā€™d personally rather be a nelf druid than a troll one.

While this would be a good step, again itā€™s still at an individual level and therefore not likely to gain much traction. I wonder if Blizzard could implement some kind of free or reduced price way to bulk transfer characters or guilds to Alliance? That way it wouldnā€™t just be you going on your own, youā€™d be going with your community.

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i do wonder if thatā€™ll be the fix in the endā€¦ if we do see a Super alliance Bias esxpansion. like WoD was for horde where we see Swarming of the alliance faction for a while xD

but yeah

this could prolly go a fair way. i think theres ALOT of people who Want to be allianceā€¦ all they need to do is hit each other up.

theres defintly a Premise Existing for Going alliance to become a Social eventā€¦

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Money was never the issue. Everyone moved horde for racials and belves and paid 45-60ā‚¬ for it