I know Blizzard won’t read this (EU forums, duh) but maybe the community will read this (not that it matters since Blizzard doesn’t listen to us anyways).
Rework the weekly quest reward so you actually receive ilvl gear based on your rating from Arena/Battlegrounds. This would increase rated play since people would need a higher rating to get the 385 gear they wanted.
Rework so you don’t receive credit for killing players under lvl 120 and reduce the honor and credit you get for killing the same player over and over, to prevent corpse camping.
Rework warmode rewards from WQs to actually give pvp rewards and change so you can’t turn warmode on, do WQs/weekly quest and then turn it off for the rest of the week. If you turn on warmode you have to play with it on for a set amount of days.
Just changing the weekly quest to award gear based on your rating would change a lot. Why should Joe with 2k rating get a 385 piece from his weekly chest while newly dinged Bobby also gets 385 gear? It’s already enough that you gear up super quickly with M0s, WQs, invasions and titanforge. Have people actually work for the weekly quest gear.
As I wrote in another thread - the Battleground que time is super long for Horde, while there are hundreds of alliance camping around in Warmode.
If they want to PvP why not direct them to structured PvP instead of this imbalanced mess.
I can only imagine how boring it is for the Alliance to wait at a flight point and wait for a horde to land and call it a PvP.
Lol funny joke there. Ye sure let’s bring back Heroic BoD gear that only Alliance get access to once a week so they can skyrocket in gear while Horde falls behind. Totally fair and not broken at all. Why work for 400 gear by doing HC BoD or Mythic 10s when you can just be lazy.
Ah even more unfairness and stupid imbalance. It sounds like you’re one of those pesky Alliance players who are clueless on how to pvp. Obviously a Horde mage deals more dmg than an Alliance mage so it’s only fair that Horde are nerfed:joy:
You have several superior racials. Shadowmeld is OP, Stoneform and Fire Blood is OP, Gift of the Naaru is pretty good and that’s probably about it. Maybe Void Elf portal thingy is good.
Oh and you “propositions” aren’t solutions to the issue. They are “solutions” to you being bad at pvp and failing to learn from it. Weird how my suggestions(as a horde player) didn’t mention anything specifically about Alliance. Why is that?
Here is a good solution:
if a group or raid is created in open world, they will be shifted to a different zone and only face other faction groups and raids.
This case even if WM is on, chance of a 40 man raid spawnkills a flypoint would be significantly lowered.
Yeah… could be dodged if people stay individual and work together on discord, but
it is quite unlikely that strangers are able to cooperate on such a level (especially that wow community is really toxic, and cooperation is on a really low chance)
if they stay solo, they will be likely to be shifted on different realm.
Blizzard have stated that they want fewer Horde PvE players playing War Mode. That’s an utter joke, because not only are they actively trying to force people to stop playing part of their game, but they are also pumping more PvE incentives in for Alliance. So there’ll be a toxic influx of Alliance PvE players and somehow that is fair?
War Mode needs PvP incentives and PvP-related activities. Bonus based on your activity in the war. Currencies for rewards and gear from Vendors, only obtainable from killing the opposing faction or completing related events.
Capture points. Across Azeroth. We need them.
We don’t need stupid racial nerfs. There is nothing wrong with them on either side.
Alliance doesn’t need welfare raid gear for barely any effort.
I’m pretty sure the game designers at Blizzard knows they have screwed up the warmode concept and it can’t be undone no matter how many small fires they extinguish. A new one will start burning somewhere else as a result from the previous put out fire. Live with it until next expansion. Or something.
Gear should eb based on your current ilvl +5 etc. So that its at least a potential upgrade.
Maybe some sort of debuff so that you don’t count as an HK for a certain length of time after you’ve been killed. 40 alliance hovering over a corpse shouldn’t be rewarded.
Agree. Warmode toggle on should have a cooldown. You should be be able to toggle on, take your welfare gear and bonus the take it straight back off again. The penalty for choosing to engage in PvP should mean you at least run the risk of having to actually do some PvP and not just spend your WM time hiding behind 30+ other players and using your ranged ability once to get a hk…
LOL. The troll if deliberately forgetting that EMFH was king for more than 2 whole expansions and 90% of everything in PvP was a human
So if I mainly wm, I don’t get the extra gear for wm because no rating? But players that do more rated than wm, get an extra gear, on top of their rated gear, even though they only do wm for kill quest?
I suspect those doing corpse camping don’t care about honor points or credit.
So if a player turns on wm, they can’t then later decide to play with non wm friends?
Yes exactly. If you want your weekly PVP gear reward, you better work for it by doing actual PVP so you deserve it. In this case if players want better rewards, they’ll simply have to work for it. Shouldn’t be hard though since if you’re truly a pvp player in warmode, you’ll easily get the rating you need for your gear.
Isn’t it fun with decisions? It would also prevent players from abusing warmode by turning it on only for WQs and quests and then quickly turn it off again cuz they don’t like pvp and the risk of losing time due to pvp-ing.
Oh and also, you’re still in the same phase when doing dungeons and raids so it’s not like you can’t play with your non-wm friends for an entire week. It’s not like the majority of the playerbase is ONLY running around doing WQs with friends.
Because Blizzard aren’t aware of the fact that it requires less effort to read through forums and listen to community feedback and suggestions than what it takes to come up with ideas on your own.
what about people that dont do PVP but likes to have warmode on for the WPVP that might come, like me, I hate structured PVP and only rarely wants to do it, i love WPVP, with the danger and frustation it can bring sometimes, so why should any reward from WPVP be tied to structured pvp, it has nothing to do with it
Agreed, you should be rewarded within whatever activity you are taking part in. I don’t do rated pvp, it has nothing at all to do with WM WPvP.
WM doesn’t need game change solutions, because nothing is broken. New features like cap objectives welcome ofc. Sometimes a tweak is needed. Two voldun fps got a guard buff, a nice tweak for those that like to solo a popular fp campsite
There’s a temporary extra wpvp activity because pvp kill quest, that will pass when outnumbered faction loses the extra kq item, problem solved because reward system, without unworkable solutions. If Alliance get outnumbered again, repeat until balance.
But there are plenty player solutions, choices, tools. Use em👍