I am Nikos ( 35 yo) working on shifts rotations on Athens airport
Me and my wife we are looking for a new guild to call home and make new friends.
We join late the season and we dindt raid much or did dungeons around 2,5k atm.
We are looking for a guild that does raid HC and some Mythic action. And has a community of folks that want to push keys and have fun.
Season 2 target is to clear raid multiply times and clear all dungeons at least +12.
Although due to my work schedule is on rotation propably cant be main tank if there are only 1-2 spesific raiding days. BUT i know my working schedule till 2030 so i know when i will be attending…
I am an old GM and RL for at least 10 years now so i can do some work around if its needed !
Update We could be a good fit for you both, check us out and let me know I can’t offer you a main tank raid spot as we do currently have 2 tanks, so I understand if we’re not the guild for you One of our tanks has had to step down due to work hours changing so if you think we’d be a good fit then I’d love to hear from you
Check out our recruitment post if you feel like it Timeskip
Heres a TLDR:
2 Raids per week Wednesday/Monday 20:00-23:00 Server time.
Currently recruiting a variety of classes / specs right now and always open to classes not listed.
8/8HC looking at building our team to venture into mythic very soon in the future.
You sound like a great fit for our guild! We’re a casual / semi-hardcore group of committed players that focuses on PvE and social content, and we think you’d enjoy what we have to offer. If you’re looking for a active and chill community that raids and does mythic+, check us out!
Drop us a msg (Discord - multiply. / Battle.net - Multiply#2590) if you’d like a chat or learn more. Hope to see you soon!