Some 8.3 Dailies Take Far Too Long, Some bugged entirely

Is it just me or are some of these 8.3 dailies ludicrous? In Uldum today trying to collect Writs of the Sun King and even in a group the spawn count on the mobs is super long, not to mention that [Unearthed Artifacts] seems to be bugged so you can’t collect any of the items at all.

These are supposed to be daily quests, ones that have always been able to be done rather quickly after getting in from work etc, the fact that they are done every day means that after a few weeks they inevitably feel like a chore, and if they still take this long to get done then I can’t see this keeping me entertained for the amount of time 8.3 is expected to be with us :thinking:

Not to mention i’m unlucky enough to have the memory leak performance bug post 8.3 that many others are having rendering the game a choppy frameless mess.

Just an unhappy boi having a little rant


If it takes too long I ignore and skip it. Is it optimal? No, but neither is the implementation of this patch.

It’s taking the piss. If you thought essences made it impossible to have alts, this is just another nail in the coffin, I’ve barely enough time to do dailies on one or two characters.

They should’ve seen this coming, after they had to heavily nerf most of the Nazjatar dailies, since it was unreasonable to complete for the average player, even on a single character.

They even nerfed the naz rare quest from 3 to 1, since their high spawn timers and relatively low health meant you could circle the zone 10+ times and find nothing but corpses. A situation which currently repeats itself.


100% agree. I don’t mind grindy quests, but not when I have to do them on a daily-basis.

I found ~4 mobs in one hour for « Writs of the Sun King » and got only two items. I then droppped the quest before going insane…

Then I went to Pandaria and… What? Another of these stupid « kill X rares » dailies… There is no fun in flying about a zone for one hour only to kill 4 mobs.

Maybe some devs enjoy spending 3 hours per day to do 6-8 quests…


I’m Too finding these dailys absolutely ridiculous. Spend most the time in the air flying around in cricles, looking for mobs etc. Come on blizz, this is stupid. dailys are ment to be quick and fun. Not boring and tedious! Most people dont have alot of time to do this kind of stuff. You’re certainly taking the fun part out.

Prime example! doing a quest called “Windows to the soul”
got over 100+ people looking for the mobs that seem to spawn every 2-3 mins!

Seems like blizz are going backwards with respawn rates! this was an issue years ago and was fixed!

I suggest they increase mobs and drop rates to 100%
this patch is seriously doing my head in, that’s for sure!

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Another point is why do the other rare encounters on the map not count towards the rare count for quests? Even that would help, but most importantly either the quests need to be changed or the spawn timers. There should be a few specific quests, and then a % bar quest instead of the rare mob quests.

The rares can then stay there and be a farming optional thing to do as they drop some coalescing visions

Yesterday’s hotfixes: -

  • Assault daily quests such as “The Sun King’s Chosen” or “The Strongest Among Them” now require 3 Rare kills (was 4).

  • The spawn frequency of several Rare enemies in Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms Assault areas has been increased.

Welp, that’s some issues solved. Some rares respawn almost instantly.

Noticed it wasn’t as bad today, BUT it still took me a few hours to actually do everything, and I still gave up with the eye quest in Vale.

I think the simple thing is that you can’t construct dailies that require kill counts and then fill the zones with loads of players. The respawn times need to be increased further still, or more layers need to be used on the realms.

Huh. Funny, still asks me for 4 rares and it took me 2 hours to complete that quest.

Hotfix those 4 rares in Uldum as well. 2 or 3 is enough - flying around for 2 hours for 1 daily quest is the worst experience so far. It’s not even kill 4 rares, they have to be cats. Which sucks when the assault changes to bugs.

Seems the rares are fxed, but they didnt drop one piece of gear for me this morning. In vale and in Uldum, killed over 15 rares.

So from one bug to the next.

[The Strongest Among Them] took me 1 hour to complete. For some reason it took 1 hour for one rare to spawn. GG

Quest: Kill 3 rares in Vale.
90 minutes later - still have only 2/3.
Three rares spawn at once and despite being on a flying mount, and immediately moving to the nearest one, it was dead before i could travel the distance (less than 10 seconds)
Logged off

Well Escaped Mutation is up almost constantly - unfortunately you can’t kill it 3 times for quest credit

It is almost as no one could have predicted that if you quadrouple the size of a zone and remove 50-66% of the objectives (compared to mechagon) and then copy/paste the same lazy dailies from there, that you would bottleneck people …
oh no, a 6 year old would have figured out that math problem in a minute.
What is this ?
The numbers of complaints about this patch I could write is so long, I wouldn’t even notice the lack of new content - Zones are old, quests are literal copy pastess, Mobs are copy/paste, the only “new” feature can only be used for maximum of an hour per week, the beyond repair broken auctionhouse, the lootbugs (i had one epic item drop since the patch release and I did every daily, every quest, every bonus objective that was to be done … the list can be continued. Fix your game, or this will be a departurepoint for countless (up to now) loyal customers.
Blizzard, let me make this very clear, we are at a tipping point and if you do not act fast, we will be done for good. I know these “threats” are hollow, but voting with ones wallet is the only thing they care for.

I have limited daily time to sort weekly as well daily stuff, so unless it’s a gold ‘!’ I’m just grabbing faction from the weekly and bi-weekly invasions. I agree, it’s a bit of a waste of time when your taking into account achievement commitments.

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