I do not understand why Blizzard would simply slamp a Battleground mode like that and leave it to dice rolls for you to get rating.
- How is it normal to have 20-25 placement matches to get placed on certain MMR
- How is it logical to allow players of way increased MMR to play with low tier people (I had people with 1900CR playing in 1400 lobby
- How is it possible doing 6-0 in the first ever games and still getting in 1300 lobbies
- How is it possible Blizzard to allow people to sync queue and play coordinated while the rest of us are like headless chickens (no this is not a conspiracy theory, there are websties that you pay and they tell you to join their discord channel so you can do that) 5) Is it normal to allow people to DUO queue in a solo BG environment? Because they queued with a healer? Does this sound normal. Its called SOLO battleground blitz not DUO. It’s in the damn name.
- Maybe NOT punish people that actually do objectives? Maybe have them lose 10cr less than the rest if they lose? Maybe reward and incentivize people to actually play the damn game instead of going AFK and waiting to lose?
- Maybe not punish people with -200 CR o -150 CR if they DC and allow them some freaking time to reconnect? Just a thought. How exactly do you incentivize someone that got a DC because your game decided to crush or his internet decided to crush for no reason and punish that person that had NO control over the situation so harshly? Maybe allow some time for recconecting in a 2-3 minute window frame. A lost round in solo shuffle or a late start in solo Blitz is better than -200 rating.
I have a feeling that Blizzard is trying to re-invent the wheel here. So many other games before you have succeded in creating a competitive fair queue system, maybe take an example from them? It feels so freaking random. People that do the objectives are not rewarded at all, they get all dragged down by the anchor that are the rest of the party playing and get punished because of other people’s mistakes/failure to actually do the bare minimum. Why do i need to get punished and lose MMR when I am dragged down by other 5-6-7 people that do not want to play along? I am not the best player but I had 2200 Solo Shuffle last expansions almsost all seasons and around 2k in Rated arenas, I can barely get past 1600 now its insane. Either I am THAT bad or the design of the game is THAT bad.
You have a TON of posts in the forum thread that have THE SAME issues and nothing is done since day 1 of Blitz, what the hell are you waiting for? Is the Rated PVP team so poorly understuffed or underbrained that they cannot sit down and come up with an actual system that actually works? Is it so hard to actually HIRE Multi Rank1 players and ask for feedback and ideas on how to improve the game since i doubt any of you there are Multi Rank 1s. Just a thought.