Some notes on the Arcane changes

I understand (even if I disagree with) Blizzard’s reason for removing of double dipping and replacing it with Aethervision, and I want to raise a few thoughts/concerns about it.

First, I am not sure the charge refund component is necessary. We already get charges from Glorious Incandescence and Intuition, which would just turn into passive damage. It removes a large difference between Sunfury and Spellslinger; it might be preferrable to keep more different playstyles of the two hero specs. It also might make the spec less friendly for new players, because the charge refunds mean you spend more time at 4 charges, thus you actually spend more mana. This is already case for Sunfury being more mana intensive than Spellslinger. Also, the large amount of charges maintained/generated weakens High Voltage and might lead to it being dropped, which would be a shame given how well liked it is.

Second and most importantly, you will need to get the details of the implementation of Aethervision right if your goal is to simplify the spec by removing mechanics you perceive as being counterintuitive. The current buff lasting twelve seconds means there’s a chance we might proc Aethervision, ignore it for a few casts while we optimize/fish for buffs like Intuition/Burden/Harmony stacks/Arcane Tempo maintenance, and only then cast our barrage. The end result would be the same as today - “only cast barrage if this complex set of conditionals is met”.

One possibility to avoid this would be to shorten the Aethervision buff, but even a 3s duration would let us cast Arcane Missiles to buff our barrage with NP for example. Another would be to allow Barrage to be affected by Aethervision only if it was casted very shortly after Arcane Blast - essentially “institutionalizing” queuing and building it into the spec more seamlessly. I imagine a tooltip like this would read like “When you cast Arcane Barrage immediately after Arcane Blast consumes Nether Precision fully, both spells benefit from the damage bonus”. In this way you don’t risk degenerate rotations, you explain the mechanic clearly in the tooltip, AND you retain the same rotation we all enjoy. Bonus points if you backtrack on Burden and allow this same interaction with this same tooltip.

Finally, the first gate of the spec tree is already very bloated, with 9 mandatory points to spend there. By placing Aethervision there, rather than baking it into Nether Precision, you are furthering this problem.