Some people cannot see /s, /e and /y messages

ā€˜Nalinawā€™ - Argent Dawn - WoW, Shadowlands (Current patch.) - (Me, no one can see my messages.)
ā€˜Heravraā€™ - Argent Dawn - WoW, Dragonflight (current patch.) - (Community Member, canā€™t see my messages.)
ā€˜Tressachā€™ - Argent Dawn - WoW, Dragonflight (current patch.) - (Community Member, canā€™t see my messages.)
ā€˜Aitaerahnā€™ - Argent Dawn - WoW, Dragonflight (current patch) - (This is a community member who -can- read my messages. I believe itā€™s because they are only level 45 and not in DF content yet, on that character. Other alts from this player, over 60 canā€™t read my messages.)
(Additionally, I havenā€™t touched WoW Remix at all. This is all in the present patch for DF.)
(These are specific cases, yes - but its still pretty much everyone on the server.)

  • Thanks

Edit- I do have an active subscription, Nalinaw is level 60. I am not muted or chat banned.

Thank you Plainberry, appreciate you taking the time to write this down. :pray:

In which zone(s) and which channel are you posting these messages by the way?

Stormwind City - Dalaran (Legion) - and in Shadowlands hub-city. Heravra and I did the ethereal dungeon (Edit: Tazavesh, the Veild market.) together.

Still in /s, /e or /y correct?

Yes. Would you like me to go around the world and experiment? - With the people who can and can not see my messages? - I am still able to communicate with them through whispers and parties. (and on discord.)

Thank you! :slight_smile:

If you can think of something else, feel free to post them. I think we should be good for now, and Iā€™ve passed these details over to see if it can help identify the issue, so weā€™ll be waiting for the devs to continue their investigation.

I donā€™t know if it has been specifically said yet in other forums about this problem - however - I, the person without Dragonflight am fully able to see everyone elseā€™s /s /e /y - The problem is that mine donā€™t appear in other peopleā€™s chat box. I know this because they send me screenshots of their game and our conversations, where my messages do not appear in the group conversations.

That is the last thought I had, thank you for assisting. Let us both hope for a speedy resolution. Thank you.

People cannot see what my character /s, /y or /e, I have two accounts, one with DF and the other without, I still pay for sub so I donā€™t understand why Iā€™m treated as a trial

Any progress on this? Has the issue been figured out yet?
If needed, i can show up in game and demonstrate. I donā€™t have much else to do since i canā€™t roleplay anymore.

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Oh. have same issue too: Siltaurel - Argent Dawn
Donā€™t have DF, and almost nobody see my /s /e /y messages

Thank you in advance

After playing Remix this whole month, i return to RP, but no one can hear me! I met 60 lvl player, who can hear me. Seems this player donā€™t own Dragonflight, so that why he can hear me.
Others - not even my friend, who heard my /s /e /y in Remix, cant hear my /s /e /y in Retail, Stormwind.

Seariel - Argent Dawn (Lvl 20)
Lullypumpse - Argent Dawn (Lvl 20)
Arielstar - Argent Dawn (Lvl 60) - Also no one can hear this character, so its seems only the one, who donā€™t own Dragonflight can hear me.

OKAY! After some testing, my friend, who own Dragonflight, who canā€™t hear me on other characters. HE can hear me on 60 lvl character, Silvermoon server, who didnā€™t even started Dragonflight questline and introduction.
Later, he log on lvl 70 character, BurningLegion server, who complete half of Dragonflight storyline and her canā€™t hear me!
We tried with level 61 character, level 61 character CANā€™T hear me.

Seem like bug range in 61-70 lvls, which Dragonflight levels.

I have since Bought War Within just because of this bug, I still want to keep an eye on it tough, people shouldnĀ“t have to do what I did


Itā€™s a bit odd for this to take weeks to solve. I feel it has something to do with the Remix patch, but hopefully Blizzard isnā€™t just going to wait until the end of the event to see if it solves the issue, since itā€™s still quite many days away.

Luckily my sub ran out the same week the issue began and Iā€™m not planning on resubbing until thereā€™s a confirmation on it being fixed.

Are there any updates about this?

This has crippled roleplay, If you may recall, you posted a survey about this on Twitter (X) and found that about half of your player base engaged in rp to some degree. So this is by no means an issue that affects a niche community.

I hear people cancelling their subs and leaving left and right since they only play WoW for rp. Itā€™s insulting and probably illegal that people who pay for their sub, are treated like trials just because they donā€™t own Dragonflight.

It looks like a hotfix was deployed on the 6th to fix this issue. :slight_smile: Please keep in mind that some hotfixes require a realm restart, which would usually happen on Wednesdays.


Woot Woot! I can remove the text from my RP addon then about itā€¦ Since some people have been poking me about why I was ignoring themā€¦ When it simply couldnā€™t see them speak in RP :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems its not fixed yet, so, we shall wait Wednesday seems so.
So far, we accidentally found, during RP event, that people is able to see mine /s /e /y in Azsuna, after that, we visit couple less populated places from other expansions, but we got nothing.

Just ran into this issue, itā€™s still very much a thing.

This should have been fixed today, if you are able to try. :slight_smile:

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Yes, its fixed! :partying_face: