Some people cannot see /s, /e and /y messages

After the latest patch (as of version some characters have issues such as that their /say, /emote and /yell messages cannot be seen by some other people (while other types of messages such as whispers, global chat messages and party messages can be seen with no issues). From the responses I had of many players in-game this seems to somehow be related to whether or not someone has purchased Dragonflight, for example a person who has DF cannot see messages of the person who doesn’t, although it may not be precise. For players on RP servers this makes the game almost unplayable as you can’t even know if the other person would see your messages.


After some personal testing, because /whisper still works. It appears anyone level 60-70 can’t read /s or /w from players who do not own Dragonflight. So, essentially, I can’t roleplay with 80% of the playerbase. :frowning: Please fix.

Was in a RP event on saturday and our level 10 NPCs couldn’t use /s nor /y so we had to postpone it - and we don’t know when everyone can login again

Why is it that their priority is to hotfix a completely unbalanced and untested event while the rest of the game just falls apart?

I can confirm, I bought a sub again specifically for RP and I can’t do that, can weeeeeee know when will this be fixed?


I also have this issue. I can’t use /s /e or /y. I can use whisper, raid chat, guild chat, all fine. This is a problem as I am an RPer.

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Are you from North America playing on EU and suffering this problem?

This is definitely due to a recent update from a few days ago. It worked fine before that. I am upvoting this post because i am also deeply concerned, playing mainly on roleplay servers. I cannot be heard in /s or /me emotes anymore and kills the whole point of roleplaying.

After some tests with friends, it appears it only affects players who doesn’t have the latest expansion. I’m still on Shadowland because i am not interested by latest content. I don’t need it to roleplay. Being denied latest regions, dungeons and races is one thing i can live with, it’s a choice. But being cast to silence and denied the right to chat or roleplay with your friends just because you don’t have Dragonflight would be a new low.

I sincerely hope it’s a bug and not an unannounced marketing choice to force players to upgrade… because right now, i’m paying a subscription to play like a “Starter” character.

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No, I’m from Europe. Even so it doesn’t seem to be related to servers and player location. As players have pointed out, it’s related to ownership of the latest expansion.

This (hopefully a bug) problem has been boggling me for the last few days. I have come into contact with a few people who -don’t- own dragonflight or war within and they are able to communicate as normal. - I can not figure out what separates me from these players who can roleplay as normal. - I am from North America, so it was my best guess.

Being B-tag friends and being in the same guild weren’t the reason as to why they could communicate as normal.

This ‘bug’ has highly affected me and quite a lot of people I roleplay with. I hope this is as simple as a ‘bug’.

I do hope they fix this as soon as possible, as it is making my group and I roleplay outside of the actual game that we spent money on…

(Edit: Spelling)

My account only covers up to Shadowland. I have done some tests with a friend who owns Dragonflight.

My character is lvl 60 and my friend could read my /s and /emotes only with his low level characters who haven’t got invested into Dragonflight yet. As soon as he’d switch to another character who has, he wouldn’t get my /s and /emotes anymore.

So it has yet to be seen if it does that because of characters with 10 more levels than yourself (me being 60 and them 70), a bit like the “Started” edition limitations that says:

“With the Starter Edition you can chat in /say and /party channels, characters that are ten or more levels higher than you will not see your /say messages”

Or if it is related to a character having started DF quests and content, triggering something that renders us non-DF-owners mute to them.

Someone else stated in another post ( “The problem was fixed as soon as they bought DF, they didn’t even have to log off !” … and if that’s the case, it’s plain extortion. Suddenly disabling a feature to paying users and only re-enabling it if you pay for extras you don’t even need.

Hello and thanks for the detailed reports everyone!

There’s not been any intentional changes to this and we’re currently investigating possible causes.

We’ll share more updates as we have them!


Thank you very much ! Knowing it wasn’t intentional and will be taken care of is already a great relief. Now i just hope it gets fixed soon.

Please blizzard, don’t let me down now! We need a champion now more than ever. Preferably with a can or two of bug spray…

I’ve missed out on quite a lot since this issue began. It hurts, since I pay my monthly sub like everyone else.

Thank you for the communication! We really do apreciate a whole ton when it concerns to impactful bugs/measures. :innocent:

Curious about the status so far - I’ve only been managing because I have the best guild atm - which happily roleplays on alts of their characters below level 60 specifically for me. I still can not engage with 80% of the rest of the community -

Considering this is literally all I do when I pay for the game and play - It leaves me upset.

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My personal theory (I have no evidence for this, just my unfortunate conclusion) is that Blizz have done this on purpose as some sort of test. Perhaps to see how many would simply cave in and purchase DF or War Within.

None DF subscribers are -probably- small in numbers and thus wouldn’t cause much of a concern if their complaints were to be left to simmer for a while with no resolution in sight. Just waiting to see how many DF purchases they can scoop up before finally giving this “small” issue attention. But by then most players (particularly Roleplayers) would have given in by then.

But it can also just be an unfortunate bug that has taken both us players and the blizz team by surprise. And they’re doing what they can to fix it. - I’ll admit, I don’t actually know. Excuse my pessimism. More communication would be ideal.

I hope this bug will be fixed ASAP. This is a pretty bad hit on the role playing community.

Hey all,

While this is still being investigated by our developers, and just to double-check, is this happening between WoW and WoW, or WoW: Remix and WOW: Remix characters, or between characters from both versions?

Feel free to provide the name-realm-version of the characters involved in these discussions if they’re unable to see these messages.

From what I have experienced so far, it’s affecting WoW on WoW character interactions. I was able to ask for assistance in /s within WoW:Remix. However, there was hardly a level gap.

The issue seems to be between WoW DF owners and none-DF WoW Subscribers.