Some Questions!

I agree with Katriella’s post - you’re bound to find both serious and not serious roleplay around, especially in the biggest hubs such as Stormwind which attracts a wide range of roleplayers with different roleplay preferences and a large variety of character concepts.

It varies a lot per individual whether they prefer to do longer or shorter /e and /s. Sometimes also the same player might change their approach depending on the situation too (for example in multi player events using shorter emotes to keep up with the flow and pace, and when playing one-on-one approaching the roleplay more as if writing a story chapter with another player).

For the night elf side of things, this thread might be helpful! On top of information aimed at players new to the race there’s also a list of night elf themed guilds. [A-RP] Night Elf Roleplay


Thanks for all of your replies, these were quick so that’s promising.

As far as my interests are concerned I think they largely revolve around magic. So mages and warlocks. I tend to favour warlocks for the darker approach to the class. Not for the idea of being edgy but for combating one’s temptation with dark magic and trying to do what they think is right.

Meanwhile I’ve observed Demon Hunters as a class with potential. I’m not big on being flashy in combat or showing off, trying to be the best of the best. I like to explore the lives of these characters. For instance “how does a demon hunter deal with life after the defeat of the Legion?”. I suppose that could be summarised as an arc of finding purpose and meaning.

On the spiritual side of things, druids and monks catch my attention most. Light/Shadow/Void not so much. For this I have a few concepts already in mind.

And finally mercenary and merchant guilds which always give me a throwback to Shadowrun somehow. Very keen on say dealers of illegal goods or just run of the mill mercs. I wouldn’t mind doing some technomagical spin on a vendor either.

One thing that is also preferred is some interaction with other races. I don’t know if I can commit to a niche entirely where everyone’s say a Kaldorei Sentinel.

And while we are talking about races. Worgen come after the preference for Belves and Nelves. Then humans. Dark Iron look amazing but I don’t have them unlocked and that’s it.


I think it’s also worth mentioning that though there’s still plenty of roleplay to be had, a lot of AD players are still enjoying Classic with their friends. Roleplay also tends to be scattered all across the world as guilds and communities travel around having their events in different places.

But making some connections in the hubs (such as Stormwind, Darkshire, Ashenvale & Feathermoon Stronghold, Orgrimmar, Silvermoon depending on what you’re after) and attending public events should get you familiar with some groups in no time! You can find public events both on the forums and listed on

Welcome to Argent Dawn!


all day every day

rlly easy depending on what you’re looking for

Stormwind is the bottom of the barrel, for more serious plots it’s best to either join the Horde, or stick with more outlying zones such as duskwood, or stick with travelling guilds.

all the time. It’s not rlly an issue as long as you’re not popping a 10 paragraph emote in the middle of 40 people

crossRP (lets you see ‘enemy’ TRPs!) and UnlimitedChatMessages (or something like that, either way, it means you can write out everything in 1 go and it’ll split it up in several emotes/yells/says)

I dare only call it mediocre on alliance. Horde however has a really dope guild known as the Highblood Myrmidons

actually there’s also the Dirge of Teldrassil

which is ran by pretty kool people, if alliance elves are more your style.


Thanks for showing me the guilds. What does PCU mean?

Perroy’s Cinematic Universe if i remember correctly?

Correct in 10 characters.

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From the top of my head, in blood elves themed guilds;

  • Crimson Vanguard (I think they take of every class but I’m not sure)
  • Sanguine Eye (Magic-people, mages, warlocks, etc.)
  • Sun Hawks (Dragonhawk riders)
  • Division 23 (Blood Knights)
  • The Reliquary Institute (Researchers, archaelogist, not sure if belf only, but belf mainly)
  • Blood Ravens (Farstrider)
  • Highborn Ascendancy (both Belves and Nightbornes)

For the Nightborne scene, it’s mainly

  • Moonlight Melody (Pro-Horde priesthood)
  • Duskwatch Outriders (Manasaber cavalry)

I know there’s a few more guilds, but I can’t remember the name at the moment.


24/7. Literally. You can find RP at all times of day, every single day. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Log into the game and see for yourself. Very very easy if you aren’t too shy to approach.

90% is serious RP. 10% is Goldshire and people that “really have a great idea which speaks against lore and people will tell them to go away but they do it anyways”. Most likely trolling.

Everything is fine. Some do, some don’t.

Cross-RP, translates your TRP profile to people of the other faction who have that addon too.

Steady but questionable. Lots of ERP happening in Silvermoon but there is also enough spots out of Silvermoon without that and usually it’s just the normal approach and talk. It’s a very active scene.

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Narmë covered Blood Elves and Nightborne, so…
Night Elf guilds (or ones where they’re the main audience)
Hand of Cenarius - Druidic focus, though they also accept other classes. Open to Night Elves and Worgen.
Nightblade Sentinels - Sentinel guild. Night Elf only to the best of my knowledge.
Moonlight Embrace - Haven’t personally RPed with them but I know of them. Open to Night Elves and Worgen.
Dirge of Teldrassil - I think this is launching later today, I haven’t got any experience with it. Again, open to Night Elves and Worgen.

There’s no real Void Elf guild presence (some were attempted but I don’t think they went anywhere) but I’ll assume you aren’t interested in them, given you said you weren’t super interested in Light/Void themes.

I’ve done quite a lot of RP with the first two and can vouch for them being quite solid.


it stands for Perroy Cinematic Universe, the OOC name of a collective of guilds (known horde-side as the Stygian Legion) ran by the same people. There’s a lot of variety, and they’re generally very amicable as long as you aren’t being a total clown.

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  1. Right now the pick-up RP (at least on Horde side) is a little slower in the late evening (8PM forward), but everything picks up on the Weekend. This is usually happens around the fall game release season, just this year it came a little early with Classic!

  2. Not in the slightest. Swing a stick or /yell a gunshot and you’ll find it.

  3. Depends on what you’re looking for? Most people are pretty good on AD about adhering to ‘lore’ and finding the server standards. On occassion you’ll find a Goblin with a Thermonuclear Earth Radiation Flamer (or TERF), but most people are pretty down to earth and are just having fun while focusing on the #realism

  4. Yes and no? Ever since I got Emote Splitter (and spent my summer writing a novel for my toon) my emotes have gotten longer, but people come in all sorts and shapes.

  5. Definetly get TRP3 and TRP3 extended. It’s essentially baked in a TON of QoL stuff, including an item and quest system similar to GryphonheartItems. Just, it works.

Some people enjoy using Tongues for their multilingual characters! Keep in mind that, much like any Skyrim Mod, it might interfere with your Chat UI and not always work as expected. be ready to shut it off and reload!

Listener is an excellent addon for large guild or community events, or even just a busy night at the Tavern. You can set it up to ping you whenever your character is mentioned by someone in earshot, and overtime it will learn who you RP with frequently and give you a different tone when they send an emote or message.

Last, but not least, look at picking up Emote Splitter if you find yourself going over the standard Twitter-length cap. Even if it’s just a few words over, it will allow you to keep typing in one chat bar but then break down your message into several chunks that the chat UI actually likes. Post paragraphs in an instant!

  1. On the Horde-Side? Good! You of course have your typical racial elf guilds, including the Moonlight Melody (A Shal’dorei Priestess/Humanitarian group), the Duskwatch Outriders (Suramar Cavalry Reg’t), the Sun Hawks (a BE Airborne Military Squadron) and the Highblood Myrmidons (the shiny boiz with swords). There’s a TON more, including the Sunfury frequenters, various historical groups and more.

If you want to find something seperate from the main ELF scene (like a cool Outsider kid), a lot of the Horde is VERY open to your selection. While some guilds have racial lockouts to keep their themeing together (such as several Orcish Clans, Sun Hawks, Duskwatch, etc.) a lot of the Horde is very open to both Shal and Sin presence. ESPECIALLY if they’re looking to get out and learn more about the world!


The roleplay is slightly less active due to Classic but it doesn’t affect the overall roleplay except that few guilds likely suffer slightly with events and so on.

Cities and zones are still very active due to the overall activity.

You can find roleplay 24/7 and every day if you just know where to look.

As stated above that it isn’t that hard to find roleplay if you just know where to look. There are plenty of discord communities and in-game channels and it is also a good idea to join a guild too but of course not a must.

Orgrimmar/Stormwind is the usual safe places to go to find random roleplay but if you want you can also look out for different zones on Alliance that can be Feralas, Duskwood and so on.

Argent Dawn have everything from trash RP in Goldshire to very good quality roleplay.

Due to Argent Dawn is a large server there are more of both as well.

You shouldn’t have any issues finding some quality roleplay both through random RP but also by joining a guild/community.

I mean of course there are those who love to write extremely large and detailed emotes and that is fine.

I just recommend to try to read the situation and adjust it to that.

Here’s a small list of addons that I use that I find useful for roleplay.

This addon adds a number of powerful features to provide a smooth cross-faction roleplay experience!

Emote Splitter removes the character limit from your chatbox and lets you paste or type as much text as you want. It’s designed for roleplayers who like to type a lot, but is totally useful for other everyday use if you just want to send a long message. Normally you can only send chat messages up to 255 characters long. Any message that exceeds this limit is split up into multiple pieces and sent one by one.

Hear and play music with nearby players. For the first time in World of Warcraft, your character can literally become a bard!

It allows languages, dialects, affects on outgoing messages.

It allows filters on incoming and outgoing messages.

It has Lore-style Interpreters.

It provides the ability to Mass Translate for: targetted player, translators (people added to the user’s translator list),party,guild, raid, officer, battleground, raid warning/alert.

Auto-translation of other Tongues users’ say, yell, party, guild, officer, raid, battleground and raid warning/alert messages.

Uses Blizzard languages when it can (ie Orcs speaking Gutterspeak will not be understood by Undead unless the listener has Tongues, Undead speaking Gutterspeak will be understood if both they listener have Tongues.)

Provide a quick select for picking which language to speak. (So you don’t have to open up the menu every time.)

Automatic Language learning (different languages have different difficulties for difficult factions, races, and classes.)

Allows you to speak for controlable pets with /petspeak or /ps

As you can see by the other posts there are plenty of guilds, communities and events based on both Horde and Alliance, with focus on all the different elves too.

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By the way, stupid question probably but here goes. If we have CrossRP, does that mean RP with the “enemy” faction is possible in places like say Booty Bay and Gadgetzan? And is this something people do often?

Cross Faction RP is something that is going on at different locations, Booty Bay is one of them and there are even some Cross Faction RP in Duskwood at the Tree area.

The Ebon Blade Community also is open to Cross Faction.

The elixir have really opened up quite the possibilities for cross RP.

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This is something that happens a lot yes, in various places. Hell, there’s entire cross-faction events sometimes.

The elixir of tongues has really simplified things in that regard.


It really did open up a world of RP to quite a few people. Circumventing the language barrier through addons etc. was such a massive inconvenience.

OP, if you’re reading this, do yourself the favor of keeping a handful of those babies in your bags at all times. You never know when you’ll need to threaten some inferior human with superior orcish wit.


I figured I’d add my insights/experiences with anything night elf related - most of the general questions have already been handled by others, so I’ll leave those out.

As I’ll touch on more in one of the next paragraphs, the night elf scene is fragmented without hub. Alone, you’ll need to do some searching to find out where certain guilds/initiatives are based currently. Naturally, you’ll have an easier time finding roleplay in a guild.

Most of the time, people strive to follow lore as much as they can. You may spot a questionable egg now and then, but people generally follow canon lore to the best of their ability.

For night elves, you’ll find that it’s fairly fragmented/split; there’s plenty of guilds but, as has been an issue for a while now, there’s not really any established hubs. Several of the night elf guilds move around a lot, and thus never really settle long enough in one place to draw people. In turn, that makes the night elf scene more guild-based than anything.

If yoiu’re interested in finding out more on the various night elven guilds, there is a list on the night elf RP thread that Manata also posted earlier (thank you!).


I always carry at least 20 on any character I RP, just to be sure.

tho, the elixir isn’t all roses and sunshine. It has downsides.

Like total DWEEBS that don’t know how to keep OOC out of IC and start yelling complaints at the enemy faction during events.

or like hordies in Duskwood. Just all of them.

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It definitely has its highs and lows. Usually it depends on the time of year (holidays are often slower) and other game releases (Classic WoW currently taking a chunk of players’ time), but I have yet to see AD entirely emptied of RP.

It isn’t. Orgrimmar’s Valley of Honor usually has people loitering about and RPing, and Silvermoon has a somewhat active population as well. As mentioned above however, the number of people lured to Classic has thinned the ranks a little for the time being. I think we are all sort of waiting for patch day in retail.

I would also suggest checking out the Argent Archives: for public events, stories or guilds that might appeal to you.

You will come across zany-forced-meme RP to somber gothic RP, and everything in between. Players are usually in agreement on sticking to the established lore though.

Some do, some don’t. I guess it’s a matter of personal taste and inspiration in the moment.

Others have come with some good suggestions in this regard. TRP is the only one I really consider important enough to emphasize.

I gather some Horde players are starting up Night Elf RP as well, so that might be worthwhile looking into. Otherwise there’s the lovely lore threads linked above for reference, and we recently had some ritualistic event in Ashenvale to boot.

Blood Elves are (I think) the most frequently played race on the Horde. There are guilds linked above, and some of them have been around for quite a long time at this point. I have only recently involved myself with the Blood Elf scene again however, so I am not intimately familiar with who is and isn’t the more active atm.

There is also a sin’dorei Discord channel, though I can’t for the life of me find the link right now. :expressionless:

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