Will you create a community for CrossRP?
05/10/2018 16:58Posted by DimcragWill you create a community for CrossRP?
Oof, forgot to add that but I will closer to the time!
The Wun Dynasty will provide supplies and caravans in support to the Alliance forces included in this initiative.
Note: We do not associate ourselves with pirates & outlaws, thus we will restrict our interaction to Alliance affiliated groups or Privateers under the flag of the Alliance.
Note: We do not associate ourselves with pirates & outlaws, thus we will restrict our interaction to Alliance affiliated groups or Privateers under the flag of the Alliance.
As of this point it is likely that the Myrmidon will avoid directly aiding the Alliance despite sympathies towards them and a collected hatred towards the Horde.
The Myrmidon has its own agenda and it shall seek that above all else.
(Subject to change, maybe, who knows?)
The Myrmidon has its own agenda and it shall seek that above all else.
(Subject to change, maybe, who knows?)
I have a tauren huntress who's called the Stonetalon Mountains her home ever since she was born there. She is a traveller and a nomad, trader of leather and herbs of all kinds, and I would love to get her involved in this!
I'm not sure if it'd be better if she'd be an NPC/helping hand of some sort though, rather than actively taking part? She's not the super social personality, rather the grumpy-and-awkward-type.
I'm not sure if it'd be better if she'd be an NPC/helping hand of some sort though, rather than actively taking part? She's not the super social personality, rather the grumpy-and-awkward-type.
05/10/2018 18:48Posted by TomottaI have a tauren huntress who's called the Stonetalon Mountains her home ever since she was born there. She is a traveller and a nomad, trader of leather and herbs of all kinds, and I would love to get her involved in this!
I'm not sure if it'd be better if she'd be an NPC/helping hand of some sort though, rather than actively taking part? She's not the super social personality, rather the grumpy-and-awkward-type.
It's up to you, if you're wanting to hop in as an NPC let me know!
05/10/2018 21:10Posted by Ercia05/10/2018 18:48Posted by TomottaI have a tauren huntress who's called the Stonetalon Mountains her home ever since she was born there. She is a traveller and a nomad, trader of leather and herbs of all kinds, and I would love to get her involved in this!
I'm not sure if it'd be better if she'd be an NPC/helping hand of some sort though, rather than actively taking part? She's not the super social personality, rather the grumpy-and-awkward-type.
It's up to you, if you're wanting to hop in as an NPC let me know!
Would I have a script or something as an NPC?
I normally provide the scene, shape a slight personality for the NPC sometimes and allow the player to role play it as they please. Unless youâre roleplaying one of the antagonists, then of course theres more work and preparation to be done for that.
Just updated the thread, we'll be using CrossRP as stated link will be placed in main post closer to the time. Date has been established too, January 14th will be the start date.
The Nightblades will be there, defending their homelands from the invading creeps. \o/ So sign us up, Ercia. ^^
I'll keep an eye on this. Too early for us to sign up yet :)
Hello guys, we're putting together an early surprise for all your piratey/sailor types. It should be up on the forums by the end of this week, further setting up in lead up towards this event. I'm personally excited for this part and the potential roleplay it can bring once the campaign is rolling, keep an eye out!
You can probably count on us being there, seeing as I'm already helping host - it's right up our alley of "fighting on fringes of the faction conflict".
For all you sailors/pirates types out there, the Myrmidon are putting together another High Parley. It'll play a bit of a crucial role for what's planned for the campaign, you can find it over here!
Looking forward to the potential roleplay that this'll bring further down the line!
Looking forward to the potential roleplay that this'll bring further down the line!
The Brethren will be there, and all you Alliance and Horde dogs who think they can have a piece of the plunder, ye be warned!
I've shifted over the contact for my horde character to Gakra instead of Fuse, due to some decisions of my own that the character might not be available to contact anymore in future.
Added your lot onto the list!
13/10/2018 15:49Posted by HongjuThe Brethren will be there, and all you Alliance and Horde dogs who think they can have a piece of the plunder, ye be warned!
Added your lot onto the list!
I believe Oath's smuggling folks are hoping to get involved in this too!
The crew of The Belore Fortuna enlists for this event, afterall hunting pirates is our thing ! arr
03/11/2018 15:09Posted by ĂimeeThe crew of The Belore Fortuna enlists for this event, afterall hunting pirates is our thing ! arr
Welcome aboard, listed under horde unless you're neutral, please do correct me!
Name: Solavel Feralscar (Individual)
Reason: Wherever there is Horde, there's killing to be done. The Undead Pirates count as a threat, too, but one of them looks useful enough as a possible ally against the Horde. I'm looking at you, Captain Blackstrike... I smell Nature's Wrath in your pocket. Got some extra typhoons to spare?
Can volunteer for some story-telling and DMing, if not enough of it is available on blue side.
Reason: Wherever there is Horde, there's killing to be done. The Undead Pirates count as a threat, too, but one of them looks useful enough as a possible ally against the Horde. I'm looking at you, Captain Blackstrike... I smell Nature's Wrath in your pocket. Got some extra typhoons to spare?
Can volunteer for some story-telling and DMing, if not enough of it is available on blue side.