Some random ui suggestions

  • Nodes in view, instead of hud

If you ever had herbalism or mining, you know exactly how annoying and tiresome it is to constantly peek at the hud, and mouse over it: node? node? what is it? which one?.. while trying not to fly into a wall. It’s really draining on the eyes and general focus, when we could just keep our eyes in the actual world view.

Now that we got the new neat player model option for ourself to “show silhouette while obscured”, I think we should have that for nodes too. If you fly near a herb or ore node, when it shows up on the hud, it should also show up in the 3D view so we don’t have to stress our eyes with the excessive ping pong hud minigame. Just show it in the world with a extra highlight around it. You could also add subtle color codes based on what node it is, even though the shapes alone can be easily used to identify each type.

That would be so much better and more user friendly.

  • CC immunity in pvp

It’s impossible to look at your target who has 100 buffs that keep changing places, to identify a teeny tiny buff that makes him immune, like bubble, turtleshell, iceblock (though that is a big visual hint as it is), or just your noob teammate putting a cc on that prevents it from taking any dmg. There’s no time to see what’s going on, who has what debuff, it’s not a “skill issue” it’s just annoying, and we shouldn’t have to use addons for it.

Since class colors are already used, I think making the lifebar color thicker and richer, with a pulsating glow would do the job. You could instantly react to it by not wasting all your burst dmg or other long cd skills for nothing.

Maybe add > lifebar < markers on the side ends of it, pointing inwards, to show it’s locked in by another player making it fully immune, and < lifebar > markers pointing outward to show it’s a self cast immunity, that can potentially be dispelled or broken.

Do you have “Outline Mode” enabled? it improves visibility of the nodes greatly.
options> system> graphics> graphics quality> outline mode

That along with Inky Black Potions makes it easy spotting them a mile away. :heart:

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Would be also nice have some settings in game to custom nameplates. Scale setting in options for both friendly and enemy would be nice start. I have quite a lot custom with some nameplate addon right now but would like one day play with less addons.

i use now better blizz frames and better blizz plates addon

it basically improve what we have ingame :slight_smile:

Better blizz frames is really good, I tested it too but couldnt get one thing that wish have with other addon, but its also not perfect have this many separate addons. Better blizz frames is also lightest nameplate addon I believe, its good.

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better blizz plates i found out super good too !

i used to have addon who mark healers in BG
u can do this in this addon

u can completly make small enemy names or how long is plate
its nice

every -1 addon combined into one = win

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