Some theories on SL

I have a few crazy theories on SL and future, so I wanted to hear what other people think:
(it’s like a 100th thread like this, but anyway, man do I make lots of threads, I really need to stop, asap)

  1. The Brokers in Oribos are refugees: We now know that in 9.1 the Jailor is trying to suck their realm into the Maw. And since nobody wants to live in hell, they had to escape. The Jailor is likely dragging their realm into the Maw due to large quantities of Anima being hoarded there. There’s likely more anima there than in the Maw itself, despite all the anima going to the Maw recently.

  2. The Jailor is actually a good guy: After seeing “Afterlives Bastion”, it’s kinda obvious that Devos was a good guy, while the Archon was a tyrant. The Jailor gained power when Devos persuaded Uther to throw Arthas (a being probably carrying the most anima in the universe, and in SL anima is everything) directly to the Maw. We know that Devos was a good, just and honorable soul, like every soul in Bastion, and her cause was just (why would such souls want to forget their past). And I doubt she’d ally with anyone if he didn’t have the right intentions.

  3. Armies from Azeroth will eventually enter the Shadowlands to confront the Jailer: There’s basically no one in Shadowlands that could stand up to him. Before 9.1 Bastion was basically the last one standing. It’s the only realm that we actually manage to save, sure it was damaged and had casualties, but it was standing able to confront the Jailer. Ardenweald is still literally falling apart due to anima drought, Maldraxxus leaderless with all the houses basically destroyed, Revendreth leaderless utterly destroyed by the civil war, neither of three being in a position to confront the Jailor. And Bastion now leaderless as well, won’t be of much help.

  4. There’ll be a big Arthas vs Sylvanas show off: Yeah, Arthas and Garrosh are all but confirmed to appear, so that’s that.

  5. At the end of expansion Kleia is going to become the next Archon: This one is imo pretty obvious. She’ll be the next Archon and thus basically the leader of Shadowlands in all but name.

The Afterlives Bastion actually shows Devos falling from grace, forgetting virtue and embracing hate and vengeance. If anything, it reassures us that Jailer is the evil force of the universe as she’s siding with him.

Doubt it can happen, since winter Queen is an obvious good and is against Zovaal.
Cant see logical reasoning for making a WQ a baddie for that wierd jailer redemption you imply or smth.

None of this will happen - since 9.1 will be last tier of expansion we will get rushed ending also - so raid in thorgast and on top there will be some scene redeeming sylvanas

and then we will go straight to prepatch event showing us that while we were in maw / SL decades of time passed on azeroth and it has been conquered by crusade of light :stuck_out_tongue: and we will have to get it back :slight_smile:

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provide source

I bet pesto or bolognese
Still i wish it would be as they wrote

The Jailor is Hogger’s minion. The Stockades were just a ruse, all part of his plan.

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i read this with Captain Grim voiceover

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