So just a few things that need changing to make this bracket better/more enjoyable.
- Change the amount of placement games to fewer games or make placement games played with actual placement people instead of being put in low MMR games just coinflipping if someone plays the game.
- Class stacking: So often it happens that one side of the BG has 3-4 rogues, now in flag captures/capping bases this is obviously in their favour and bad for the enemy however in other maps where the most played spec of rogue Sublety just does negative damage it can cause you to instantly lose the map based on team comp, make it more diverse where if there is 4 on one team and 0 on the other 2 would’ve been put on the enemy team.
- Disconnection instantly losing u 200 CR, you should have some time to come back theres countless things in the game that can cause a crash for people to come back yes it may lose you the game due to that happening but the majority of the time it’s not even their fault/they didn’t leave the game.
- Wintraders: This only really applies to higher games, but do something about active witnraders there isn’t to many but those that are there are generally ruining games.
- Allowing DuoQ as double DPS or removing DuoQ as a whole, and for those that are scared of people syncing double rogues, just simply disallow class stacking in pre-made queue.
- Make MMR more related to current CR and slightly increase/decrease don’t fill in higher players into low games where they risk their MMR solely on one loss due to being filled in a lower game, MMR shouldn’t drop by a 100-150 on a loss and it becomes way to punishing for those on a loss streak.
- Change Deephaul Ravine mainly the Graveyard sharing death timers is to punishing a single wipe in higher MMR games can cause you to auto lose the game due to enemy slowing / farming you whilst carts are ticking + capping and free capping the crystal in the middle.
- Adjust EOTS more flag based, nowadays the changes cause people to fight a bit more on the flag however make flag cappable on a active (enemy capped base) if 2 are active for half the points but to force the rotation.
- Stealth issues with rogue just randomly breaking on spawn on graveyard / rendering in combat whilst ur not and being unable to re-stealth
Also can we be given Crests for our blitz gameplay above X rating please. Thanks!